Docu-Dramas: Wolff Architects

Event, in English, online, 17 December, 2pm

Docu-dramas presents contemporary architects talking about their work, through the kinds of images they would normally exclude from a lecture: ordinary documents like contracts, budgets, estimates, SMS and chat messages, research and administrative files. Narrated, these dull objects can become evidence for the complex and contingent reality of architectural practice embedded in a messy world.

We invited five contemporary practices active in different contexts and at different scales of project and budget to present their work through the documents they would normally not show. Each practice is also joined by a special guest: one of their clients.

Wolff Architects was founded by Heinrich and Ilze Wolff in Cape Town in 2012 as a design office concerned with the practice of consequence through design, advocacy, research and documentation, and their work spans from small residential interventions to large public commissions. llze co-founded Open House Architecture in 2007, a transdisciplinary research practice which she continues to direct in parallel to Wolff, as well as pumflet, to publish interventions in the social imaginary. They have both taught and lectured internationally including in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Japan and India.

The event is free and no registration is needed. It will be streamed on the CCA YouTube channel and on Facebook.



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