Frederico Duarte + Becky Quintal

I was once a graphic designer and recently a design criticism student. Over the past nine years and across three continents I’ve been involved in many aspects of design (minus the manufacturing), which have included curating and producing exhibitions, editing a book on semi-industrial confectionery, writing for magazines and newspapers, organizing events, teaching and – my favorite – calling architects on their typographic faux-pas.

I’ve studied architecture and writing, and now I’m putting both of those interests to use as an assistant editor and researcher at an architecture firm (OMA) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Before I studied design criticism (with Frederico!), I lived in my home country of Mexico and had a totally non-design job: translation for a government office. But then I suppose it’s not entirely surprising that these days, you can usually find me challenging the ways that architects and critics translate design for mass consumption.

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