Atlas of anomalous AI / edited by Ben Vickers and K Allado-McDowell.
Titre et auteur:

Atlas of anomalous AI / edited by Ben Vickers and K Allado-McDowell.


[United Kingdom] : Ignota, 2020.


303 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm

Initial conversations "culminated in a conference curated by the editors in Dubai as part of the 2018 Global Grad Show, titled 'Belief in AI: Designing tomorrow's intelligence.' ... the conference imagined an alternative context for thinking with and through AI, which then led to this book. While this volume contains documentation and contributions from conference participants, the process of its making revealed the need for a greater plurality. Subverting received thinking and norms requires a wide range of human invention, creative expression, opposing perspectives and artistic visions. Taken as a whole, these contributions represent a complex constellation of forking paths through history, a set of parallel and necessarily incomplete narrative formations for what AI might be, what it has been and what it is becoming."--Pages 11-12
Includes "Foreword by Bill Sherman" ("Director of the Warburg Institute and Professor of Cultural History in the University of London's School of Advanced Study").
Includes bibliographical references.
On exactitude in science / by Jorge Luis Borges -- Making kin with the machines / by Jason Edward Lewis, Noelani Arista, Archer Pechawis and Suzanne Kite -- Designing for intelligence / by Yuk Hui and Ramon Amaro, moderated by Rana Dasgupta -- Towards a poetics of artificial superintelligence / by Nora N. Khan -- Synthetic gardens : another model for AI and design / by Benjamin H. Bratton -- Art in the age of machine intelligence / by Blaise Agüera y Arcas -- HEXEN 2.0, Tarot, Three of chalices : the Astrolabe / by Suzanne Treister -- Big light / by Federico Díaz -- The allegory of the cave / by Paul Laffoley -- The teachings of Buddhism, no 3d, series II / by Hilma AF Klint -- Cosmic egg, vision three of Scivias / by Hildegard of Bingen -- Half cloud half plain, algorithms after Cozens, Plate 20 / by Lucy Siyao Liu -- Interaction of environmental ecosystems and human systems / by Branko Petrović -- A sea of data : apophenia and pattern (mis-)recognition / by Hito Steyerl -- Machine learning, surveillance and the politics of visibility / by Ramon Amaro -- When AI prophecy fails / by Dr. Beth Singler -- Intelligenti pauca : prediction and artificial intelligence / by Federico Campagna -- The nine billion names of God / by Arthur C. Clarke -- Extract from language models are unsupervised multitask learners / by GPT-2 -- Work no. 020 / by Emma Kunz -- MicroImage A-01 to A-06 / by Casey Reas -- Waterfall / by Deepdream -- Homage to Marcel Duchamp : Aura (Blue Boy) / by Susan Hiller -- Ancient writing / by Anni Albers -- Minakata mandala / by Jenna Sutela -- Europe, a prophecy, plate 1, frontispiece / by William Blake -- The arborescent mind : the intelligence of an inverted tree / by Matteo Pasquinelli -- Other minds : beliefs about, in and of artificial intelligence / by Noah Raford -- Plasticity, intelligence and mind / Hans Ulrich Obrist interviews Catherine Malabou -- The circular ruins / Jorge Luis Borges -- Futures flowers / by Nisha Ramaya -- The Upanishads / translated by Eknath Easwaran -- Los grados del Curandero / by Pablo Amaringo -- UUmwelt / by Pierre Huyghe -- The pyramidal neuron / by Santiago Ramón y Cajal -- Window opening onto eternity / by C.G. Jung -- Melting memories, engram / by Refik Anadol -- Bob's Umwelt / by Ian Cheng -- Scylla / by Ithell Colquhoun.

"'Atlas of anomalous AI' presents a compelling map of intelligence, from ancient to emerging systems of knowledge, through an alternative set of myths and concepts that together offer a new poetics of AI. A wildly associative constellation of ideas, stories, artworks and historical materials, the 'Atlas' draws on art historian Aby Warburg's 'Mnemosyne atlas' - an image map of the 'afterlife of antiquity' - to approach AI from an imaginative, innovative and revitalising perspective."--Page 4 of printed paper wrapper


1999675959 (paperback)
9781999675950 (paperback)


Artificial intelligence Philosophy.
Artificial intelligence.
Art and science.
Mind and reality.
Prediction theory.
Artificial intelligence Social aspects.
Artificial Intelligence
Intelligence artificielle Philosophie.
Intelligence artificielle.
Art et sciences.
Esprit et réalité.
Théorie de la prévision.
Intelligence artificielle Aspect social.
artificial intelligence.

Vedettes secondaires:

Vickers, Ben, 1986- editor.
Allado-McDowell, K., 1977- editor.
Sherman, Bill, 1966- writer of foreword.
Allado-McDowell, K. editor.

Printed title on front cover (plus word "anomalous" embossed but not printed): Atlas of AI


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 309892
Cote: BIB 255034
Statut: Disponible


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