Architecture beyond experience / Michael Benedikt.
Entrée principale:

Benedikt, Michael, author.

Titre et auteur:

Architecture beyond experience / Michael Benedikt.


First edition.


San Francisco : Applied Research and Design, 2020.


xiv pages, 1 unnumbered leaf, 311 pages : illustrations (some color), color plans ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Part one. Locating the sacred. Tetsugen ; Sacred space ; From spirituality to solipsism ; Solipsism succeeds ; Solipsism's expression in architecture: experientialism ; The Buddist solution? ; Martin Buber and I-you ; Michael Graziano: consciousness is social -- Part two. The fabric of glances. The story of architecture ; A critique of environment & behavior studies ; Two way of thinking about architecture relationally ; The social logic of space ; From optic array to isovists -- from isovist fields to the fabric of glances ; Presence fields and the order of shoulders ; Formations ; M-branes and the phenomenon of theater -- Part three. Architecture beyond experience. Buildings as being(s) ; Room in relation ; Rooms in motion ; Aldo van Eyck: photography, relation, and "the between" ; Carlo Scar pa and the power of two ; Learning from Lou ; Toward architecture in the second person ; Coda: three short takes.

Architecture Beyond Experience is a work in the service of one goal: the bringing about of a more relational, "post human" and yet humanist strain in architecture. It argues against the values that currently guide much architectural production (and the larger economy's too), which is the making, marketing, and staging of ever more arresting experiences. The result, in architecture, is experientialism: the belief that what gives a building value, aside from fulfilling its shelter functions, is how its views and spaces make us personally feel as we move around it. The book argues that it's time to find a deeper basis for making and judging architecture, a basis which is not personal-experience-multiplied, but which is and relational from the start. It uses the word relational to describe an architecture that guides people in search of encounter with (or avoidance of) each other and that manifests and demonstrates those same desires in its own forms, components, and materials. Buildings are beings. When architecture, they teach as well as protect; they tell us who we were and who we want to be; they exemplify, they deserve respect, invite investment, and reward affection. These are social-relational values, values that both underlie and go beyond experiential ones (sometimes called "phenomenological"). Such relational values have been suppressed, in part because architects have joined the Experience Economy, hardly noticing they have done so. Architecture Beyond Experience provides the argument and the concepts to ultimately re-center a profession.


9781943532896 (paperback)
1943532893 (paperback)


Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture, Postmodern.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture postmoderne.
Architecture, Modern.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308758
Cote: BIB 254092
Statut: Disponible


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