Datapolis : exploring the footprint of data on our planet and beyond / [edited by] Paul Cournet, Negar Sanaan Bensi ; contributors, Kate Crawford [and 13 others].
Titre et auteur:

Datapolis : exploring the footprint of data on our planet and beyond / [edited by] Paul Cournet, Negar Sanaan Bensi ; contributors, Kate Crawford [and 13 others].


Rotterdam : Nai010 Publishers, [2023]


316 pages : many illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm

Includes glossary.
Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction: on Datapolis / Negar Sanaan Bensi, Paul Cornet -- Retroactive timeline of data infrastructure / Patrycja Raszka, Theodor Reinhardt, Fabio Sala, Yiyin Yu -- Notes on archaeology of design data literacy / Georg Vrachliotis -- GIZMOS: between tomato and satellite / Datapolis Studio -- On Gizmos, gadgets, objects and data / Kees Kaan -- Atlas of data landscapes / Paul Swagerman -- Earth / Kate Crawford -- A city is not a computer / Shannon Mattern -- Engineered inequity: are robots racist? / Ruha Benjamin -- From data center to data forest / Marina Otero Verzier -- Vibrant data: the sewer as information infrastructure / Sabrina Chou -- Machines in landscape: territorial instruments / Ali Fard -- This way: expressive self-tracking as creative practice / Joost Grootens -- The digital cloud between geological extraction and meteorological hyper responsiveness / Natalie P. Koerner -- "Here be dragons": the liminal topographies of statistical imaging / Gökc̦e Önal -- Blockchain and the real-estate-media complex / Marija Marić -- Life needs internet / Jeroen van Loon -- Autonomous territory / Arda Ertan Yildiz, Wu Yongyi -- The urban exchange platform / Farian Anwar, Callum Birchall -- From the grave to the cradle / Federica Longoni, Filip Romaniuk -- Con(tro)versing with Mars / Emma Chris Avrămiea, Martah Lundheim -- Human driven healthcare net / Sandra Baggerman, Marina Bonet -- A network for democracy / I-Hsuan Lee, Susanne van de Pol, Robert Bichlmaier -- Meta-office / Lauritz Bohne, Lea Scherer, Edward Zammit -- Noetic horizons of data / Rafał Tarczynski, Ragna Nordström -- The extreme self: age of you / Douglas Coupland, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Shumon Basar.

"DATAPOLIS looks into the materiality of data, its inherent ethical and political contradictions as well as cultural and environmental footprints, by following two main trajectories: the first one attempts to define what 'the cloud' is and how it operates. From the systems and infrastructures behind the Internet to the apparatus, gizmos and buildings that can transcend scales and temporal dimensions. The second one explores how data penetrates our existence, not only by affecting the ways we live and work, or design and make cities, but by offering distinct ways of life and organization that otherwise would not have been possible. Through various visual and textual materials, this book speculates on the ways in which architecture can engage with data and digital technology beyond its mere instrumental use in making (smart) cities."--Provided by publisher.


9789462087194 paperback


Big data.
Data sets.
Architecture and technology.
Big data Sociological aspects.
Big data Environmental aspects.
Données volumineuses.
Jeux de données.
Architecture et technologie.
Données volumineuses Aspect sociologique.
Données volumineuses Aspect de l'environnement.

Vedettes secondaires:

Cournet, Paul, 1988- editor.
Bensi, Negar Sanaan, editor.
Crawford, Kate, 1974- contributor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 318990
Cote: 318990
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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