The Photography of invention : American pictures of the 1980s, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. / essay by Joshua P. Smith ; introduction by Merry A. Foresta.
Titre et auteur:

The Photography of invention : American pictures of the 1980s, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. / essay by Joshua P. Smith ; introduction by Merry A. Foresta.


Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, ©1989.


227 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm

Published for the exhibition of the same name held Apr. 28-Sept. 10, 1989.
Published for the exhibition held Apr. 28-Sept. 10, 1989.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 226-227).
The photographic moment / Merry A. Foresta -- The photography of invention : American pictures of the 1980s / Joshua P. Smith -- Catalogue. Dennis Adams -- Gwen Akin and Allan Ludwig -- Lynne Augeri -- Tina Barney -- Zeke Berman -- Cindy Bernard -- Diane Blell -- Ellen Brooks -- Elizabeth Bryant -- David Bunn -- Nancy Burson -- Jo Ann Callis -- Ellen Carey -- Lance Carlson -- James Casebere -- Bruce Charlesworth -- Sarah Charlesworth -- Albert Chong -- William Christenberry -- Clegg and Guttmann -- Judy Coleman -- John Coplans -- Eileen Cowan -- Dorit Cypis -- James de Sana -- Jeanne Dunning -- Barbara Ess -- Evergon -- John W. Farrell and Stefan Roloff -- Stephen Frailey -- Adam Fuss -- Phillip Galgiani -- Rimma Gerlovin, Marh Berghash, and Valery Gerlovin -- Nancy Goldring -- Maria Gonzales -- Sandra Haber -- Jacqueline Hayden -- Nancy Hellebrand -- Larry Johnson -- Barbara Kasten -- Alfredo Jaar -- Sylvia Kolbowski -- Barbara Kruger -- Paul Laster -- Louise Lawler -- Marcus Leatherdale -- George Legrady -- Annette Lemieux -- Sherrie Levine -- David Levinthal -- Tim Maul -- Allan McCollum -- Allan McCollum and Laurie Simmons -- Frank Majore -- Patrick Nagatani and Andree Tracey -- Warren Neidich -- Lorie Novak -- Hirsch Perlman -- Luciano Perna -- Tina Potter -- Richard Prince -- Susan Rankaitis -- David Robbins -- Geno Rodriguez -- Stefan Roloff -- Don Rodan -- Anne Rowland -- Meridel Rubenstein -- Adrienne Salinger -- Hope Sandrow -- John Schlesinger -- Victor Schrager -- Elliot Schwartz -- Andres Serrano -- Cindy Sherman -- Laurie Simmons -- Sandy Skoglund -- Sandra Stark -- The Starn Twins (Douglas and Michael Starn) -- Steel Stillman -- Mitchell Syrop -- Ruth Thorne-Thomsen -- Oliver Wasow -- Todd Watts -- Jeff Weiss -- Neil Winokur -- Krzysztof Wodiczko -- Joel-Peter Witkin -- Brian Wood.



Photography, Artistic Exhibitions.
Photographie artistique Expositions.
Photography, Artistic


exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Smith, Joshua P.
Jaroch, Diane, book designer.
National Museum of American Art (U.S.)
National Museum of American Arts (U.S.)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 52770
Cote: ID EXHX; ID:90-B1589
Statut: Disponible


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