The ethical function of architecture / Karsten Harries.
Entrée principale:

Harries, Karsten.

Titre et auteur:

The ethical function of architecture / Karsten Harries.


Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, ©1997.


xiii, 403 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 368-394) and index.
1. Introduction: Postmodern Prelude -- 2. The Aesthetic Approach -- 3. The Problem of Decoration -- 4. The Promise of Ornament -- 5. The Decorated Shed -- 6. The Language Problem -- 7. Representation and Symbol -- 8. Representation and Re-Presentation -- 9. Tales of the Origin of Building -- 10. Building and Dwelling -- 11. Space and Place -- 12. The Voices of Space -- 13. Learning from Two Invisible Houses -- 14. Building, Dwelling, and Time -- 15. The Terror of Time and the Love of Geometry -- 16. Mold and Ruins -- 17. Death, Love, and Building -- 18. Architecture and Building -- 19. The Publicness of Architecture -- 20. Grave and Monument -- 21. The Representation of Life -- 22. Dreams of Utopia.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP15.00 0.
Dust jacket.

In a series of cogent and balanced arguments, Harries questions the premises on which architects and theorists have long relied - premises that have contributed to architecture's current identity crisis and marginalization. He first criticizes the aesthetic approach, focusing on the problems of decoration and ornament. He then turns to the language of architecture. If the main task of architecture is indeed interpretation, in just what sense can it be said to speak, and what should it be speaking about? Expanding on suggestions made by Martin Heidegger, Harries also considers the relationship of building to the idea and meaning of dwelling.
Architecture, Harries observes, has a responsibility to community; but its ethical function is inevitably also political. He concludes by examining these seemingly paradoxical functions.


0262082527 (alk. paper)
9780262082525 (alk. paper)


Architecture Philosophy.
Architecture Moral and ethical aspects.
Architecture Philosophie.
Architecture Aspect moral.
architectural theory.
Ethische aspecten.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 114296
Cote: ID NA2500.H375; ID:96-B2507
Statut: Disponible


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