Architecture theory since 1968 / edited by K. Michael Hays.
Titre et auteur:

Architecture theory since 1968 / edited by K. Michael Hays.


Cambridge, Mass : The MIT Press, 2000.


xv, 807 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm


Columbia books of architecture

"A Columbia book of architecture"--Title page verso.
"A Columbia book of architecture"--T.p. verso.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Toward a Critique of Architectural Ideology / Manfredo Tafuri -- 'La Dimension Amoureuse' in Architecture / George Baird -- No-Stop City / Archizoom Associati -- Learning from Pop / Denise Scott Brown -- Cemetery of San Cataldo, Modena / Aldo Rossi -- Introduction to Five Architects / Colin Rowe -- Wall House / John Hejduk -- From Collage City, manuscript in circulation from 1973; published 1978 / Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter -- Linguistics in Architecture / Mario Gandelsonas -- The New Architecture and the Avant-Garde / Massimo Scolari -- L'Architecture dans le Boudoir: The Language of Criticism and the Criticism of Language / Manfredo Tafuri -- From The Production of Space (English translation 1991) / Henri Lefebvre -- Architectural Metaphors / Denis Hollier -- Design versus Non-Design / Diana Agrest -- The Architectural Paradox / Bernard Tschumi -- The Architecture of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts / Museum of Modern Art, New York -- Post-Functionalism / Peter Eisenman -- Gray Architecture as Post-Modernism, or, Up and Down from Orthodoxy / Robert A.M. Stern -- Reality as History: Notes for a Discussion of Realism in Architecture / Martin Steinmann -- Formalism -- Realism / Bernard Huet -- The Beauty of Shadows / Jorge Silvetti -- The Third Typology / Anthony Vidler -- Heterotopias and the History of Spaces / Georges Teyssot -- Post-Modern Architecture / Charles A. Jencks -- Neue Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart / James Stirling -- Life in the Metropolis / Rem Koolhaas -- From Bricolage to Myth, or How to Put Humpty-Dumpty Together Again / Alan Colquhoun -- The Only Path for Architecture / Maurice Culot and Leon Krier -- School at Quentin-en-Yvellnes / Leon Krier -- The Status of Man and the Status of His Objects: A Reading of The Human Condition / Kenneth Frampton -- Gehry House, Santa Monica, California / Frank Gehry -- Loss of Synthesis: Mies's Pavilion / Jose Quetglas -- Eupalinos or Architecture / Massimo Cacciari -- The Manhattan Transcripts / Bernard Tschumi -- Modern and Postmodern Architecture / Jurgen Habermas -- Space, Knowledge, and Power / Michel Foucault -- Architecture and the Critique of Ideology / Fredric Jameson -- Introduction to Architecture and the Crisis of Modern Science / Alberto Perez-Gomez -- Chamber Works / Daniel Libeskind -- In Front of Lines That Leave Nothing Behind / Robin Evans -- Architectural Design as a System of Research Programs / Stanford Anderson -- The Italophiles at Work / Jean-Louis Cohen -- The End of the Classical: The End of the Beginning, the End of the End / Peter Eisenman -- The Overexposed City / Paul Virilio -- The Perimeter Projects: Notes for Design / Robert Segrest -- Point de folie -- Maintenant l'architecture / Jacques Derrida -- Moving Arrows, Eros and Other Errors: An Architecture of Absence / Peter Eisenman -- La Citta Nuova: Modernity and Continuity / Sanford Kwinter -- Weak Architecture / Ignasi de Sola-Morales -- L'Esprit Nouveau: Architecture and Publicite / Beatriz Colomina -- The Burdens of Linearity: Donkey Urbanism / Catherine Ingraham -- The Translation of Architecture, the Production of Babel / Mark Wigley -- Deconstructivist Architecture / Museum of Modern Art, New York -- Architecture and Politics in the Reagan Era: From Postmodernism to Deconstructivism / Mary McLeod -- Bibliotheque de France, Paris / Rem Koolhaas -- Twisting the Separatrix / Jeffrey Kipnis -- From The Architectural Uncanny: Essays in the Modern Unhomely / Anthony Vidler -- Abodes of Theory and Flesh: Tabbles of Bower / Jennifer Bloomer -- One or Several Masters? / R.E. Somol.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP15.00 0.
Dust jacket.

"This long-awaited anthology presents forty-seven of the primary texts of contemporary architecture theory, introducing each by detailing the concepts and categories necessary for its understanding and evaluation. It also presents twelve documents of projects or events that had major theoretical repercussions for the period. Several of the essays appear here in English for the first time."--Jacket.


0262082616 (hc ; alk. paper)
9780262082617 (hc ; alk. paper)
9780262581882 (paperback)
0262581884 (paperback)


Architecture, Modern 20th century Philosophy.
Architecture 20e siècle Philosophie.
Architecture, Modern Philosophy
Architecture moderne 20e siècle.
Architecture Philosophie.

Vedettes secondaires:

Hays, K. Michael.
Wilcox, Jean, book designer, bookjacket designer.
Columbia books of architecture.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 197058
Cote: NA680.A7 1998
Statut: Disponible


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