Speed and its limits = La vitesse et ses limites.
Titre et auteur:

Speed and its limits = La vitesse et ses limites.




12 videocassettes (Mini-DV) (approximately 572 min.) : sound, color ; 1/4 in. master

CCA event no.: 122026.
Sound dropouts occur on the Mini-DV cassettes, particularly on tape 11 (ca. first 5 min.).
[Tapes 1-3. Presentations (morning, speaker view) -- [tape 4. Conversation (following morning presentations)] -- [tapes 5-6. Presentations (afternoon)] -- [tape 7. Conversation (following afternoon presentations, speaker view)] -- [tape 8. Conversation (following afternoon presentations, panel view)] -- [tapes 9-12. Visuals for all presentations except Pierre Merlin].
Recorded and produced by the Centre canadien d'architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture.
Speakers: Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Pierre Merlin, Edward Dimendberg, Jeffrey Meikle, Robert Levine, Tamar Zinguer, Stephen Kern, Timothy C. Harte and Guy Nordenson.
Also available as a streaming audio file on the CCA website.
Majority in English with 1 presentation in French; introductory remarks and discussion period in English and French.

Videorecording of a day long colloquium exploring the pivotal role played by speed in modern life: from art to architecture and urbanism to graphics and design to economics to the material culture of the eras of industry and information at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, June 21, 2008. A colloquium organised by the CCA, in collaboration with the Wolfsonian-Florida International University and Stanford Humanities Lab, in preparation for the exhibition "Speed Limits" = "La vitesse et ses limites", held at the CCA May 20, 2008-Nov. 8, 2009. Includes introductory remarks by Mirko Zardini and participation from Phyllis Lambert in the discussion period


Space and time.
Industrial efficiency Social aspects.
Transportation Social aspects.
Mass media Social aspects.
Popular culture.
Modernism (Aesthetics)
Speed Exhibitions.
Life Style
Popular Culture
Efficience dans l'industrie Aspect social.
Transport Aspect social.
Médias Aspect social.
Style de vie.
Culture populaire.
Modernisme (Esthétique)
Vitesse Expositions.
popular culture.


Video recordings.
Exhibition catalogs.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)

Vedettes secondaires:

Schnapp, Jeffrey T. (Jeffrey Thompson), 1954-
Merlin, Pierre.
Dimendberg, Edward.
Meikle, Jeffrey L., 1949-
Levine, Robert, 1945-
Zinguer, Tamar.
Kern, Stephen.
Harte, Tim.
Nordenson, Guy.
Zardini, Mirko.
Lambert, Phyllis.
Wolfsonian-Florida International University.
Stanford Humanities Lab.
Centre canadien d'architecture.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.

Vitesse et ses limites


Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271872
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 1
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271873
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 2
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271874
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 3
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271875
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 4
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271876
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 5
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271877
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 6
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271878
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 7
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271879
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 8
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271880
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 9
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271881
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 10
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271882
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 11
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 271883
Cote: Box 32 (BIB 205153)
Exemplaire: tape 12
Statut: Disponible


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