James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds, 1947?-2004?
Titre et auteur:

James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds, 1947?-2004?


39,582 items, 121.62 l.m. of textual and photographic materials.


Access by appointment only.

Consists of 39,582 drawings, 103.77 l.m. of textual records, 17.85 l.m. of photographic materials and other materials.
Drawings include reprographic copies, prints, maps, etc.
Documents are in English, German, Italian, Spanish or Japanese, with some in French, Persian, Dutch, Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic, Turkish, Czech or Swedish.

Documents the personal activities and professional practice of architects James Stirling and Michael Wilford. It pertains to their work as architectural students, and to the architectural and urban planning projects by the successive firms of Stirling and Gowan; James Stirling; James Stirling and Partner; James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates; Michael Wilford and Partners; Michael Wilford GmbH; and Wilford Schupp Architekten GmbH, as well as by the firms of Michael Wilford Architects and Michael Wilford + MUMA.

Note biographique:

James Stirling: architect; born Glasgow, Scotland, 1926; died London, England, 1992. Michael Wilford: architect; b. Surbiton, Surrey, 1938.

Finding aid
Finding aid

Stirling, James (James Frazer)
Wilford, Michael, 1938-2023.
Wilford, Michael, 1938-
Stirling and Gowan.
James Stirling (Firm)
James Stirling and Partner.
James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates.
Michael Wilford and Partners.
Michael Wilford GmbH.
Michael Wilford Architects.
Michael Wilford + MUMA.
Wilford Schupp Architekten (Firm)
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture, Modern.


Fonds (collections)

Vedettes secondaires:

Stirling, James (James Frazer)
Wilford, Michael, 1938-2023
Wilford, Michael, 1938-
Stirling and Gowan.
James Stirling (Firm)
James Stirling and Partner.
James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates.
Michael Wilford and Partners.
Michael Wilford GmbH.
Michael Wilford Architects.
Michael Wilford + MUMA.
Wilford Schupp Architekten (Firm)
James Stirling/Michael Wilford archive.

James Stirling/Michael Wilford archive, 1947?-2004?


Localisation: Bibliothèque prints and drawings collection 260966
Cote: AP140
Statut: Disponible


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