Context :
in the parks of the city, operating the tractor that is used to mow the lawn or to grind the leaves in order to accelerate their decomposition (seasonal work), I create unusual and random patterns, minding the obstacles. Hence, I get around trees, shrubs, benches and tables drawing overlaping spirals or tracery of lines and words. I must also deal with some more restrictions: the width of my tool and my supervisor’s assignments. These «dessins d ‘après nature», as I call them, have a short life span, can sometime be seen only from a single point of view (mine) and are aimed at nobody in particular. Pedestrians who notice the drawings can be surprised or simply consider what they see as the result of a short-lived extravagance or of pure chance. This makes my work less invasive and contributes to minimize the impacts of the boundaries between my various occupations, since I am an artist, a mother, a grandmother, a citizen… and have to share my times between all those occupations.