

Urban furniture

NAUTREVILLE (another town)
The research aim is to define new services in central Paris combining both the real and the virtual cities - this can disseminate new information and facilitate the sharing of systems between people. The beauty of this new system is the potential to create individual local networks, tailored to the users' needs and personal interests.

nAutre ville is a program which includes three different elements:
- nAutreBOÎTE: digital post box - accepting and processing any information
- nAutreLIEU: digital information panel - an edited version of the above
- nAutreLIEN: allows a unique digital link to be created between the two first elements

By downloading the maVILLE interface the user can visualise, take and leave information, music, video, text, games etc...
These three elements are not connected to a global network, nor are they interconnected. All information effectively belongs to the place where it originated, therefore creating a truly local network.
Because of this, the identity of the each space is uniquely created by the actions of those using it.

Atores :

Design by Sandrine Herbert, Maria Laura Méndez-Martén and Aude Richard
*This project was developped at ENSCI, les ateliers at the Interactive Design Lab and directed by Jean Louis Fréchin. Other working partners are villes 2.0 from the FING group (Fondation Internet Nouvelle Generation) and the CITU research lab

Local : Paris, France 2008