New York: CCA Competition for the Design of Cities

Exhibition, Main galleries, 15 November 2000 to 1 April 2001

Launched in November 1998 by the International Foundation for the Canadian Centre for Architecture, The CCA Competition for the Design of Cities invited architects from around the world to submit solutions to a problem facing all major cities at the dawn of the twenty-first century: how to repair the scars left by transportation structures that are vestiges from a bygone era of economic activity. The exhibition presents the models, computer animations, and studies submitted by the five finalists in the competition: Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, Van Berkel & Bos UN Studio, Amsterdam; Peter Eisenman, Eisenman Architects, New York; Thom Mayne, Morphosis, Santa Monica; Cedric Price, Cedric Price Architects, London; and Jesse Reiser and Nanako Umemoto, Reiser + Umemoto RUR Architecture P.C., New York.

The exhibition presents the models submitted by the five finalists, a computer animation produced for the Fondation Daniel Langlois by 4-éléments Studios, and the large-scale photographs of Joel Sternfeld.

Curated and exhibition design by Ralph Lerner, Princeton University. Graphic design by 2 x 4 inc., New York.


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