CCA Mellon Multidisci­plinary Research Project

Architecture and/for the environment
Opportunity, 10 February to 21 April

The Canadian Centre for Architecture with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation is initiating a collaborative and multidisciplinary research project to write an environmental history of architecture. We are soliciting proposals for research projects that use history to help us understand the environment not as a given, but as a politically, economically, and culturally contested invention. The CCA will support original research on cases, familiar or unexpected, in the history of architecture’s relation to the environment since industrialization. Shortlisted applicants will participate in a Mellon Seminar in July 2017 to present their proposals and to interrogate the methodological tasks of environmental histories of architecture. From there, eight researchers will be selected through peer review to continue working on their cases individually and on the Mellon Research Project collectively, for eighteen months.

This is the CCA’s third Mellon Multidisciplinary Research Project. For more information on this call, click here. The deadline is 21 April 2017.


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