Printemps numérique, the Digital Spring, is back at the CCA for #intersections vol. 4: digital creativity & social impact. The event will explore the digital as a communication tool to raise awareness about pressing social and environmental issues, and as a practical instrument to put solutions into practice.
With the participation of David Usher (Founding director of the Human Impact Lab at Concordia University whose leading project, Climate Clock, mixes art, science, and technology to tell the public another story about climate change), Audra Renyi (Executive Director World Wide Hearing / 2017 Beneficiary of the Google Impact Challenge), Evelyne Drouin (DJ Mini / GenieMob & Matrioshka), Cassie Rhéaume (Ladies Learning Code), and Jean-Noé Landy (Executive Director Open North).
The #intersections series proposes an original format mixing a discussion panel, networking moments, and an experience zone with innovative digital projects. For tickets, please click here.
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