In a symposium organized and moderated by Zoë Ryan and Alison Fisher, CCA Director Mirko Zardini will speak on making architecture and design exhibitions as research projects, in the context of the history of architecture practice. The symposium will explore how exhibitions reflect on the current debate in architecture and shape the profession by opening up new ways of working. It marks the opening of the new permanent galleries of architecture and design at the Art Institute of Chicago and the launch of the book As Seen: Exhibitions that Made Architecture and Design History (Yale University Press, 2017).
Other participants include Andrew Blauvelt (Cranbrook Art Museum), Sharon Johnston and Mark Lee (Johnston Marklee, Artistic Directors for the 2017 Chicago Architecture Biennial), Sylvia Lavin (University of California, Los Angeles), Philip Ursprung (ETH Zurich), and Claire Zimmerman (Taubman College of the University of Michigan).
Presented at the Art Institute of Chicago, with the Architecture & Design Society and the Chicago Architecture Biennial.
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