PLI Magazine Launch

Special event, CCA Bookstore, 27 October, 3pm

Join us in the bookstore for the launch of the fourth issue of PLI magazine. This edition, on the theme of materiality, provides a space for contributors from all horizons (including CCA Director Mirko Zardini) who, from their own frame of reference, assist the viewer in perceiving material in a new light.

The Montréal launch coincides with a four-day collaborative exhibition at White Wall Studio between PLI and Collectif Blanc, accompanied by a series of performances inspired by the theme of the publication, as well as an ephemeral bookstore, created in association with the CCA.

PLI is an annual magazine established in 2015, to question the interactions between architecture and publishing. Each issue interrogates the timelessness of these two environments, their object value, and the human scales on which they play.


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