Hermann Schlimme, resident scholar in Architectural History at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome, presents his research.
The Nuovo Villaggio Matteotti figures prominently as a key example of user participation in architecture and as an exemplary modern Italian housing settlement. The settlement’s genesis, which differs considerably from the notion of “participation” most often used to characterize it in the annals of architectural history, was critically reconstructed using archival documentation and interviews with those involved in the project. The casual aesthetic and spatial diversity of the settlement did not result from individual decisions, but was carefully generated by De Carlo in a structuralistic genotype-phenotype process. This “image of democratic architecture” was then by contract protected against alteration. The traditional role of the architect as designer was to key for the settlement’s enduring success. The seminar recontextualizes the village within the low-level/high-density discussions, the vernacular interests, and the modular design ideas of its time.
Hermann Schlimme studied architecture and art history in Braunschweig, Edmonton and Florence. From 1996-1998, he served as adjunct instructor at the Technical University of Braunschweig. He received his doctorate in architectural history in 1998, with a dissertation examining church façade design in early modern Rome. Since 1998, Schlimme has been a resident scholar in Architectural History at the Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome, where he has collaborated in the preparation of international exhibitions of the work of Borromini and Vignola. His research interests also include the Italian residential architecture of the 60s and 70s.
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