The 37th edition of the International Festival of Films on Art (FIFA) presents an eclectic international program of nearly 200 films characterized by strong and captivating themes: engaged art, art and science, history and culture, music, and elegant portraits of unforgettable artists. As a FIFA presentation partner, the CCA is hosting a series of film screenings from the Competition and Special Screenings categories. Full descriptions are available on the FIFA website.
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Wednesday 20 March 2019
Zapata Songs in Stone (Colombia, Diego Garcia-Moreno, 2018, 14 min, Spanish, subtitled in French)
Cy dear (Italy, Andrea Bettinetti, 2018, 92 min, English, Italian, German, subtitled in English)
Marmo (United States, Nancy Allison, Laura Boato, 2016, 7 min, without dialogue)
The Divine Way (Germany, Ilaria Di Carlo, 2018, 15 min, without dialogue)
Escher - Journey Into Infinity narrated by Stephen Fry (Netherlands, Robin Lutz, 2018, 80 min, Dutch, English)
Téléscopages (Canada, Philippe Allard, 2017, 3 min, French)
Grands Canons (France, Alain Biet, 2018, 11 min, without dialogue)
Botero (Canada, Colombia, Don Millar, 2018, 80 min, English)
Friday 22 March 2019
Regard Nomade : Voyage dans l’oeuvre de Marisa Albanese (Italy, Fiamma Marchione, 2017, 19 min, Italian, subtitled in English)
Ashcan (Luxembourg/Belgium, Willy Perelsztejn, 2018, 90 min, English, German, French, subtitled in French)
Plakat - The Birth of Modern Advertising (Italy, Germany, Adolfo Conti, 2018, 54 min, German, English, subtitled in English)
Art in the Twenty-First Century: Berlin (United States, Germany, Rafael Salazar, Ava Wiland, 2018, 57 min, English)
Roosenberg (Belgium, Estonia, Ingel Vaikla, 2017, 29 min, without dialogue)
Mario Botta. The Space Beyond (Swizterland, Italy, China, South Korea, Loretta Dalpozzo, Michèle Volontè, 2018, 78 min, Italian, English, Chinese, Korean, subtitled in English)
L’Art de la chasse : Chantal Harvey (Canada, Bruno Boulianne, 2019, 46 min, French)
Jean-Pierre Larocque : Le fusain et l’argile (Canada, Bruno Boulianne, 2019, 53 min, French)
L’étreinte des temps (Canada, Maxime Pelletier-Huot, The Society of Affective Archives, 2018, 17 min, French, subtitled in English)
Luc Durand Leaving Delhi (Canada, India, Swizterland, Étienne Desrosiers, 2019, 80 min, French, English, Hindi, subtitled in English)
Saturday 23 March 2019
Santa inocencia (Germany, Italia, Swizterland, Meritxell Campos Olivé, 2018, 66 min, Italian, subtitled in English)
Une poétique de l’habiter (France, Chile, Caroline Alder, Damien Faure, 2018, 60 min, Spanish, subtitled in English)
John Heward: Words and Silence (Canada, Mario Côté, 2019, 27 min, English, subtitled in French)
Immaculate Memories: The Uncluttered Worlds of Christopher Pratt (Canada, Kenneth Harvey, 2018, 76 min, English)
Poète de la matière (Canada, Clara Lamy, 2018, 9 min, French)
Fondations (Canada, Olivier Asselin, 2018, 80 min, French)
Le legs (Canada, Koa Padolsky, 2018, 6 min, French, English, subtitled in French)
L’avenir du passé, Pierre et Yolande Perrault (France, Mina Rad, 2019, 85 min, French, subtitled in English)
Corps et Âme (France, Amaury Voslion, 2018, 8 min, French)
Formulaire (France, Alain Fleischer, 2017, 16 min, French)
Munch in Hell (Norway, Stig Andersen, 2018, 75 min, English Dutch, subtitled in English)
Sunday 24 March 2019
For Sunrise (United States, Hyonok Kim, 2018, 4 min, without dialogue, subtitled in English)
Brèves histoires de pierres muettes (Canada, Mario Côté, 2019, 34 min, French, English)
Lucinda Childs, la Grande Fugue de Beethoven (France, Marie-Hélène Rebois, 2017, 77 min, French, English, subtitled in French)
Evo-ove (Italy, Jacopo Martinoni, 2018, 5 min, without dialogue, subtitled in English)
Landing (South Korea, Germany, Shirin Sabahi, 2018, 21 min, English)
Witkin & Witkin (Mexico, United States, Trisha Ziff, 2018, 90 min, English, subtitled in English)
Croiser quelqu’un (Canada, Nicolas Jimy Awashish, 2018, 5 min, Anishinaabe, subtitled in French)
City Dreamers (Canada, Joseph Hillel, 2018, 80 min, French, English, subtitled in French) Special screening to highlight the CCA’s 40th anniversary, followed by a public conversation between Phyllis Lambert and journalist Michel Desautels from Radio-Canada.
À la rencontre du sculpteur Pierre Landry (Canada, Carolane Saint-Pierre, 2018, 22 min, French)
Bauhaus Spirit (Germany, Niels Bolbrinker, Thomas Tielsch, 2018, 90 min, English, German, subtitled English)
Conquest and Prison (South Africa, Mark Freeman, 2018, 8 min, English)
Weerewa - Portrait of a Landscape (Australia, Taiwan, Sue Healey, 2018, 18 min, without dialogue)
La Fresque (France, François-René Martin, 2017, 80 min, without dialogue)
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