Our happy life, or when the museum is not enough

CCA elsewhere, in English, ARCH+ Space, 2 May 2019, 7pm

Join us for conversations over drinks as we discuss our publishing program in the CCA’s 40th anniversary year and present Our Happy Life: Architecture and Well-Being in the Age of Emotional Capitalism.

In this evening hosted by ARCH+, CCA associate director of publications, Albert Ferré, CCA international media relations, Julia Albani, and Our Happy Life contributor Deane Simpson will speak about the role that emotions play in generating space today and other overlooked topics—what we call the grey zone, an undeclared territory lying below the surface of dominant narratives that reveals preconceptions and attitudes embedded in our culture and in how we practice architecture.

ARCH+ Space
Friedrichstraße 23a
10969 Berlin

Join us also on 3 May, at 7pm for the debate ARCH+ features 86: Publishing in Architecture at the MISS READ: Berlin Art Book Festival 2019.

Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin


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