FIFA: 39th International Festival of Films on Art

Event, online, 16 March to 28 March

The International Festival of Films on Art (FIFA) is dedicated to the international promotion and distribution of films on art and media arts. For nearly four decades, it has presented an annual event in March to showcase the latest documentaries on art as well as interactive and VR works.

For the second year in a row, FIFA is holding a virtual festival, from 16 to 28 March 2021. You can find the full programming here.

We suggest two highlights from the 248 films in the festival:

It’s all a plan A documentary about the Brasilian architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha, in conversation with his daughter.
(Brazil, Joana Mendes Da Rocha & Patricia Rubano, 1h13 min, Portuguese, with English subtitles)

Tokyo Ride Follow architect Ryue Nishizawa’s vintage Alfa Romeo on a wild tour of Tokyo’s streets.
(France, Bêka & Lemoine, 1h29 min, English, with English subtitles)


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