Conceived as a catalogue of notes and tools used in the field, The Things Around Us: 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework reveals how 51N4E’s and Rural Urban Framework’s architecture is less a series of finished objects than the manifestation of a series of processes. Landing somewhere between question and reaction, proximity and contrast, and assonance and distance, the project is a manifesto of a position, the story of two approaches to context, and a testament to the very possibility of making architecture with and within context today.
Join us for a conversation with 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework on how both offices see making architecture as a choreographic process. To register, click here.
Part of the #readCCA book presentations, this event will be moderated by Francesco Garutti and Andrew Scheinman.
The Things Around Us with 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework, #readCCA, 18 May 2021
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