Anders Bauen / Build Different

Do you speak architecture?
CCA elsewhere, in English, Kassel, 16 June 2022 to 17 June 2022, 10am to 6pm (Germany)

Almost all domains of architecture are being redefined—by changing (circular) economies, the common good, climate change, and the rise of the digital. What does that redefinition look like, and how will it transform the discipline of architecture and its institutions? How do narratives about architecture shift? The conference addresses these questions and what these changes mean for architecture. Martien de Vletter, associate director Collection, will speak about how these questions are reshaping the narrative of the institution in a panel discussion alongside Pirjo Sanaksenaho (New Museum of Architecture and Design, Helsinki) and Pippo Ciorra (MAXXI, Rome).

The event takes place at Universität Kassel before the opening of Documenta XV. The program is accessible here.


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