At the Festival TransAmériques, in collaboration with the CCA, Rafico Ruiz, Associate Director, Research will moderate a discussion with Elle Sofe Sara and Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, whose work was featured in the exhibition ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui / Towards Home.
Creating a link between Sápmi and Nunavut, Sámi choreographer Elle Sofe Sara and Inuk artist Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory offer a vision of land-based ecology. As mothers and activists who are deeply engaged in their communities, they have both developed multidisciplinary artistic practices aligned with their lifestyles, which centre on collaboration and the bonds with their ancestors, families, and nature.
This activity is free as part of the Decolonial Ecology Day organized by the Festival TransAmériques. It takes place at the Festival TransAmériques headquarters (175 President-Kennedy ave., Montreal).
For more information, see the event’s page in the Festival TransAmériques program.
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