Join us in Harare for the launch of the Mhondoro Marauders Show, a radio broadcast and platform by Dr. Thandi Loewenson, a Mellon researcher in the multidisciplinary research project The Digital Now: Architecture and Intersectionality. Hosted by Mbare Art Space, the event will unfold to a soundtrack of sound and music produced out of a collaboration between Loewenson and artists Thandiwe Gula-Ndebele and Thando Mlambo.
The platform, designed by Divya Patel, will host commissioned engagements with the Mhondoro Marauders Show from historian Prof. Mhoze Chikowero, archaeologist Prof. Shadreck Chirikure, and writer and critic Dr. Tinashe Mushakavanhu.
Conceived among the community of The Digital Now, a group of eight researchers convened to interrogate digital design in our contemporary moment, the Mhondoro Marauders Show explores questions of what constitutes the “digital” in relation to African space programs, and programs which restructure and reconstitute space and time in Africa. The outputs of all the researchers involved in the Digital Now project will culminate in a publication to be released in spring 2025.
Other researchers involved in The Digital Now include Miriam Hillawi Abraham, Xavi Laida Aguirre, Moa Carlsson, Shelby Doyle, Orit Halpern, Pedro Aparicio Llorente, and Simone Niquille.
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