Pierre Thibault and Catherine Perrin, Habiter en beauté: ces lieux qui nous font du bien

Book launch
Event, 18 October 2023, 5pm

Join us for the launch of Habiter en beauté : ces lieux qui nous font du bien by Pierre Thibault and Catherine Perrin.

The Covid pandemic changed the way we relate to places—temporarily, but perhaps forever. 
Teleworking is forcing us to rethink the home, but there are limits to the retreat imposed by health concerns. To keep moving forward, and to adapt to environmental challenges, we need to rediscover the power of “we,” of collective action.

How can architecture contribute to this redefinition of the common good? Can it be part of a happy form of degrowth?

Simplifying, dematerializing our lives, going inward: these are the proposals of Habiter en beauté, an essay in the form of a dialogue between architect Pierre Thibault and communicator Catherine Perrin. What are the avenues to follow? Preserving and reintegrating plants into our lives, favouring a sober habitat that breathes by blurring the boundaries between inside and outside. “We have to find the uniqueness of each territory in order to find out what we can introduce into it, and relate the territory and the architecture as harmoniously as possible, in the countryside as well as in the city,” Pierre Thibault recently told La Presse.

In this essay, written by Catherine Perrin, Pierre Thibault continues the reflection begun with François Cardinal in the book Et si la beauté rendait heureux, published by Éditions La Presse in 2007.


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