Join us as we invite Indra McEwen to launch her new book from MIT Press, All the King’s Horses: Vitruvius in an Age of Princes.
The event will be held in the Study room, alongside a selection of Renaissance books from our collection for discussion. Indra will introduce her work on power structures in an “Age of Princes,” tracing the rediscovery of Vitruvius’s De architectura.
Through meticulous descriptions of the work of architects and artists from Alberti to Leonardo, McEwen explains how architecture became an instrument of control in the early Italian Renaissance. She shows how architectural magnificence supported claims to power, a phenomenon best displayed in one of the era’s most prominent monumental themes: the equestrian statue of a prince, in which the horse became an emanation of the will of the rider, its strength the expression of his strength.
This event is open to the public, no reservation needed.
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