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Le Nunatsiavut, région inuite du Canada qui possède une administration autonome depuis 2005, a une production artistique à part dans le monde de l’art canadien et de l’art inuit circumpolaire. Population inuite la plus méridionale au monde, le peuple côtier du Nunatsiavut a toujours vécu à cheval sur la limite forestière, et les artistes et artisans inuits du Nunatsiavut(...)
July 2017
SakKijajuk: Art et artisanat du Nunatsiavut
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Le Nunatsiavut, région inuite du Canada qui possède une administration autonome depuis 2005, a une production artistique à part dans le monde de l’art canadien et de l’art inuit circumpolaire. Population inuite la plus méridionale au monde, le peuple côtier du Nunatsiavut a toujours vécu à cheval sur la limite forestière, et les artistes et artisans inuits du Nunatsiavut ont eu accès à une flore et une faune arctique et subarctique très diversifiées, à partir desquelles ils ont créé des œuvres d’une surprenante variété. Les artistes du territoire se sont traditionnellement servis de la pierre et du bois pour sculpter, de la fourrure, du cuir et de la peau de phoque pour l’art mobilier et des graminées marines pour la vannerie, ainsi que de la laine, du métal, du tissu, des perles et du papier. Plus récemment, ils ont travaillé avec des techniques que l’on retrouve en art contemporain, comme la peinture, le dessin, la gravure, la photographie, la vidéo et la céramique, sans pour autant délaisser les matériaux traditionnels, utilisés de manière novatrice et inusitée. ''SakKijâjuk. Art et artisanat du Nunatsiavut'' est la première publication d’importance sur l’art des Inuits du Labrador. Écrit pour accompagner une exposition itinérante majeure conçue par The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery Division de St. John’s, l’ouvrage comprend plus de 80 reproductions d’œuvres de 45 artistes, une présentation de ces derniers et un essai de fond sur l’art au Nunatsiavut signé par la commissaire Heather Igloliorte.
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Inuit art: the Brousseau collection. A guide to the collection at the Musée national des beaux-arts de Québec.
Inuit art: the Brousseau collection
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Inuit art: the Brousseau collection. A guide to the collection at the Musée national des beaux-arts de Québec.
Canadian art
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Nunatsiavut, the Inuit region of Canada that achieved self-government in 2005, produces art that is distinct within the world of Canadian and circumpolar Inuit art. The world's most southerly population of Inuit, the coastal people of Nunatsiavut have always lived both above and below the tree line, and Inuit artists and craftspeople from Nunatsiavut have had access to a(...)
February 2017
SakKijâjuk : Art and craft From Nunatsiavut
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Nunatsiavut, the Inuit region of Canada that achieved self-government in 2005, produces art that is distinct within the world of Canadian and circumpolar Inuit art. The world's most southerly population of Inuit, the coastal people of Nunatsiavut have always lived both above and below the tree line, and Inuit artists and craftspeople from Nunatsiavut have had access to a diverse range of Arctic and Subarctic flora and fauna, from which they have produced a stunningly diverse range of work. Artists from the territory have traditionally used stone and woods for carving; fur, hide, and sealskin for wearable art; and saltwater seagrass for basketry, as well as wool, metal, cloth, beads, and paper. In recent decades, they have produced work in a variety of contemporary art media, including painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, video, and ceramics, while also working with traditional materials in new and unexpected ways. ''SakKijâjuk: Art and craft from Nunatsiavut'' is the first major publication on the art of the Labrador Inuit. Designed to accompany a major touring exhibition organized by The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery of St. John's, the book will feature more than 80 reproductions of work by 45 different artists, profiles of the featured artists, and a major essay on the art of Nunatsiavut by Heather Igloliorte.
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''INUA: Inuit Nunangat Ungammuaktut Atautikkut (Inuit Moving Forward Together)'' refers to the life force of all things. As an acronym, it also speaks to our collective vision for Qaumajuq as a place for Inuit to work together towards an exciting new future in the arts, foregrounded by our shared culture and language. The exhibition includes approximately 100 works of art(...)
INUA: Inuit Nunangat Ungammuaktut Atautikkut/ Inuit Moving Forward Together
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''INUA: Inuit Nunangat Ungammuaktut Atautikkut (Inuit Moving Forward Together)'' refers to the life force of all things. As an acronym, it also speaks to our collective vision for Qaumajuq as a place for Inuit to work together towards an exciting new future in the arts, foregrounded by our shared culture and language. The exhibition includes approximately 100 works of art made by 91 artists—from the 1940s to the present—including works from the WAG and Government of Nunavut collections, fifteen commissioned artworks, and loans from across Canada, Alaska and Greenland. INUA is curated by four Inuit and Inuvialuit curators, representing the four regions of Inuit homelands in Canada today. From east to west, they are: Dr. Heather Igloliorte (Nunatsiavut); asinnajaq (Nunavik); Krista Ulujuk Zawadski (Nunavut) and Kablusiak (Inuvialuit Nunangit Sannaiqtuaq). It is also supported by many other Inuk contributors; Project Manager Jocelyn Piirainen; Exhibition Designer Nicole Luke; Graphic Designer Mark Bennett; Educator Kayla Bruce; and WAG Board Member & Indigenous Advisory Circle senior member, Theresie Tungilik.
Current Exhibitions
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This book celebrates art and culture within and beyond traditional Inuit and Sámi homelands in the Circumpolar Arctic — from the continuance of longstanding practices such as storytelling and skin sewing to the development of innovative new art forms such as throatboxing (a hybrid of traditional Inuit throat singing and beatboxing). In this illuminating publication,(...)
August 2022
Qummut Qukiria! Art, culture, and sovereignty across Inuit Nunaat and Sápmi: Mobilizing the circumpolar North
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This book celebrates art and culture within and beyond traditional Inuit and Sámi homelands in the Circumpolar Arctic — from the continuance of longstanding practices such as storytelling and skin sewing to the development of innovative new art forms such as throatboxing (a hybrid of traditional Inuit throat singing and beatboxing). In this illuminating publication, curators, scholars, artists, and activists from Inuit Nunangat, Kalaallit Nunaat, Sápmi, Canada, and Scandinavia address topics as diverse as Sámi rematriation and the revival of the ládjogahpir (a Sámi woman’s headgear), the experience of bringing Inuit stone carving to a workshop for inner-city youth, and the decolonizing potential of Traditional Knowledge and its role in contemporary design and beyond.