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Through clear-eyed essays and vibrant conversations, infused with data, poetry, and art, Ayana Elizabeth Johnson guides us through solutions and possibilities at the nexus of science, policy, culture, and justice. Visionary farmers and financiers, architects and advocates, help us conjure a flourishing future, one worth the effort it will take—from every one of us, with(...)
Environment and environmental theory
October 2024
What if we get it right? Visions of climate futures
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Through clear-eyed essays and vibrant conversations, infused with data, poetry, and art, Ayana Elizabeth Johnson guides us through solutions and possibilities at the nexus of science, policy, culture, and justice. Visionary farmers and financiers, architects and advocates, help us conjure a flourishing future, one worth the effort it will take—from every one of us, with whatever we have to offer—to create. With grace, humor, and humanity, Johnson invites readers to ask and answer this ultimate question together: What if we get it right?
Environment and environmental theory
(available in store)
Since the earliest days of the pandemic, care work has been thrust into the national spotlight. The notion of care seems simple enough. Care is about nurturing, feeding, nursing, assisting, and loving human beings. It is “the work that makes all other work possible.” But as historian Premilla Nadasen argues, we have only begun to understand the massive role it plays in(...)
Care: The highest stage of capitalism
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Since the earliest days of the pandemic, care work has been thrust into the national spotlight. The notion of care seems simple enough. Care is about nurturing, feeding, nursing, assisting, and loving human beings. It is “the work that makes all other work possible.” But as historian Premilla Nadasen argues, we have only begun to understand the massive role it plays in our lives and our economy. Nadasen traces the rise of the care economy, from its roots in slavery, where there was no clear division between production and social reproduction, to the present care crisis, experienced acutely by more and more Americans. Today’s care economy, Nadasen shows, is an institutionalized, hierarchical system in which some people’s pain translates into other people’s profit. Yet this is also a story of resistance. Low-wage workers, immigrants, and women of color in movements from Wages for Housework and Welfare Rights to the Movement for Black Lives have continued to fight for and practice collective care. These groups help us envision how, given the challenges before us, we can create a caring world as part of a radical future.
The case for open borders
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Because of restrictive borders, human beings suffer and die. Closed borders force migrants seeking safety and dignity to journey across seas, trudge through deserts, and clamber over barbed wire. In the last five years alone, at least 60,000 people have died or gone missing while attempting to cross a border. As we deny, cast out, and crack down, we have stripped borders(...)
The case for open borders
(available in store)
Because of restrictive borders, human beings suffer and die. Closed borders force migrants seeking safety and dignity to journey across seas, trudge through deserts, and clamber over barbed wire. In the last five years alone, at least 60,000 people have died or gone missing while attempting to cross a border. As we deny, cast out, and crack down, we have stripped borders of their creative potential — as lines of contact, catalyst, and blend — turning our thresholds into barricades. Brilliant and provocative, ''The Case for Open Borders'' deflates the mythology of national security through border lockdowns by revisiting their historical origins; it counters the conspiracies of immigration’s economic consequences; it urgently considers the challenges of climate change beyond the boundaries of narrow national identities. This book grounds its argument in the experiences and thinking of those on the frontlines of the crisis, spanning the world to do so. In each chapter, through detailed reporting, journalist and translator John Washington profiles a character impacted by borders. He adds to those portraits provocative analyses of the economics and ethics of bordering, concluding that if we are to seek justice or sustainability we must fight for open borders. In recent years, important thinkers have begun to urge a profoundly different approach to migration, but no book has made the argument as accessible or as compelling. Washington’s case shines with the multitudinous voices of people on the move, a portrait in miniature of what a world with open borders will give to our common future.
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What fuels and sustains activism and organizing when it feels like our worlds are collapsing? ''Let This Radicalize You" is a practical and imaginative resource for activists and organizers building power in an era of destabilization and catastrophe. Longtime organizers and movement educators Mariame Kaba and Kelly Hayes examine some of the political lessons of the(...)
Let this radicalize you: organizing and the revolution of reciprocal care
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What fuels and sustains activism and organizing when it feels like our worlds are collapsing? ''Let This Radicalize You" is a practical and imaginative resource for activists and organizers building power in an era of destabilization and catastrophe. Longtime organizers and movement educators Mariame Kaba and Kelly Hayes examine some of the political lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the convergence of mass protest and mass formations of mutual aid, and consider what this confluence of power can teach us about a future that will require mass acts of care, rescue and defense, in the face of both state violence and environmental disaster. The book is intended to aid and empower activists and organizers as they attempt to map their own journeys through the work of justice-making. It includes insights from a spectrum of experienced organizers, including Sharon Lungo, Carlos Saavedra, Ejeris Dixon, Barbara Ransby, and Ruth Wilson Gilmore about some of the difficult and joyous lessons they have learned in their work.
Current Exhibitions
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There is a creative explosion of work taking place in architecture and design schools exploring materials such as mycelium, clay/earth, engineered timber, bio-based plastics and algae. This handbook of low- and no-carbon materials for architects and designers focuses on sustainable materials, their sourcing, technical properties and the processes required for their use in(...)
Sustainable and Regenerative Materials for Architecture: A Sourcebook
(available in store)
There is a creative explosion of work taking place in architecture and design schools exploring materials such as mycelium, clay/earth, engineered timber, bio-based plastics and algae. This handbook of low- and no-carbon materials for architects and designers focuses on sustainable materials, their sourcing, technical properties and the processes required for their use in architecture. The book showcases new and rediscovered processes for material fabrication, responsible sourcing and creative material design. Material properties (structural, thermal, fire, health and life safety) are described and case studies from around the world illustrate the inventive ways in which these materials have been deployed in the built environment. The book is designed as an introduction to the exciting and rapidly changing world of construction materials. With a better understanding of the social, environmental and economic sustainability of any given material - alongside its technical properties - students of architecture can lead the change in responsible and creative material use.
Green Architecture
Sous le vent de la mer
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« Je me rendis compte que la mer elle-même devait être le personnage central de mon récit, que je le veuille ou non. Car la mer, tenant pouvoir de vie et de mort sur chacune de ses créatures, de la plus petite à la plus grande, allait inévitablement pénétrer chaque page. » À la fin des années 1930, une jeune biologiste marine passionnée de littérature imagine un projet(...)
Literature and poetry
October 2024
Sous le vent de la mer
(available in store)
« Je me rendis compte que la mer elle-même devait être le personnage central de mon récit, que je le veuille ou non. Car la mer, tenant pouvoir de vie et de mort sur chacune de ses créatures, de la plus petite à la plus grande, allait inévitablement pénétrer chaque page. » À la fin des années 1930, une jeune biologiste marine passionnée de littérature imagine un projet inédit : raconter la mer du point de vue des espèces qui la peuplent. Paru en 1941, ce grand récit polyphonique et poétique est le premier livre de Rachel Carson. C’est aussi son préféré.
Literature and poetry
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Big Tech firms dominate the global economy. But what value do they actually produce? In this brilliant survey of global tech economy, Nick Dyer-Witheford and Alessandra Mularoni argue that the role of firms like Amazon and Google, Palantir and Uber, is in the automation of circulation. By applying digital technologies to processes of market exchange—everything from(...)
Cybernetic circulation complex: Big tech and planetary crisis
(available in store)
Big Tech firms dominate the global economy. But what value do they actually produce? In this brilliant survey of global tech economy, Nick Dyer-Witheford and Alessandra Mularoni argue that the role of firms like Amazon and Google, Palantir and Uber, is in the automation of circulation. By applying digital technologies to processes of market exchange—everything from advertising and shopping, to logistics and financial services—Big Tech aims to subject these activities to the level of control and predictability that capital has secured in industrial production. But there is a way out of the multiple crises that Big Tech has helped precipitate. If we are to break their grip on the global economy then it’ll take more than just antitrust legislation or reducing individual time online. By understanding the central role Big Tech plays in contemporary capitalism, Dyer-Witheford and Mularoni argue that what is required instead is a new, ambitious and comprehensive program of democratic collective planning that can move us beyond capitalism. ''Cybernetic Circulation Complex'' offers not only a compelling analysis of the power of Big Tech and their role in our current global crises, but a roadmap for a new form of life: biocommunism, a digital degrowth that can help us steer between the double boundaries of ecological sustainability and equitable social development.
February 2025
(available in store)
In his new book, critical theorist Mark Neocleous engages in a sustained critique of the theory and practice of pacification. Combining philosophical analysis with historical detail, Neocleous analyses the development of pacification as a key concept through which capitalist modernity has been organised, offering readers the first book that treats pacification as an(...)
Pacification: Social war and the power of police
(available in store)
In his new book, critical theorist Mark Neocleous engages in a sustained critique of the theory and practice of pacification. Combining philosophical analysis with historical detail, Neocleous analyses the development of pacification as a key concept through which capitalist modernity has been organised, offering readers the first book that treats pacification as an important concept in the history of state power and capitalism. Neocleous’s approach is fourfold, examining pacification as social warfare carried out through the ideology of peace; as a form of social police carried out through mechanisms of security; as law and order exercised through the permanent wars of class society; and as the myriad practices of power designed to counter insurgency. Making use of official documents of state, the writings of counterinsurgency thinkers and the ideas perpetuated by practitioners of counterrevolution, the book unravels the complex ways through which pacification generates new forms of social war and new modes of policing that reproduce capitalist order and fabricate obedient subjects. Through expansive accounts of war and police, and engaging with a range of topics from debt to death, from stasis to civil war, and from the police kettle to the politics of fear, the book offers a provocative analysis of the ways in which state and capital combine to build a pacified social order.
(available in store)
Le monde qui vient nourrit nos inquiétudes. D’un point de vue social comme environnemental, les alertes s’accumulent. Nous voudrions y répondre, changer la donne, préparer un monde meilleur pour nos enfants, mais nous nous heurtons à notre impuissance. Comme si, au niveau national, la machine républicaine tendait à se gripper. Alors la tentation du repli sur soi est(...)
Agir ensemble au coin de la rue
(available in store)
Le monde qui vient nourrit nos inquiétudes. D’un point de vue social comme environnemental, les alertes s’accumulent. Nous voudrions y répondre, changer la donne, préparer un monde meilleur pour nos enfants, mais nous nous heurtons à notre impuissance. Comme si, au niveau national, la machine républicaine tendait à se gripper. Alors la tentation du repli sur soi est forte. Pourtant, notre soif de démocratie reste bien vivante et se manifeste dès que l’on nous invite à agir près de chez nous. Il convient d’apprendre ensemble à se saisir de cette capacité de résistance démocratique locale.
(available in store)
Depuis soixante-dix ans, la forme urbaine a suivi la finance. Et si elle a gagné en fonctionnalité, la ville y a perdu en humanité. La standardisation à l’œuvre dans la construction et la rentabilité à court terme recherchée par les investisseurs et les promoteurs ont produit des villes et des périphéries imperméables aux chocs environnementaux et sociétaux. L’heure est(...)
Changer l'immobilier : de l'Utopie à la Réalité
(available in store)
Depuis soixante-dix ans, la forme urbaine a suivi la finance. Et si elle a gagné en fonctionnalité, la ville y a perdu en humanité. La standardisation à l’œuvre dans la construction et la rentabilité à court terme recherchée par les investisseurs et les promoteurs ont produit des villes et des périphéries imperméables aux chocs environnementaux et sociétaux. L’heure est donc venue de transformer le secteur immobilier en profondeur, en imaginant un futur urbain directement connecté à ses habitants. Cet ouvrage est là pour y contribuer. Il donne à voir des utopies individuelles et leurs contours souhaitables pour la ville du futur. Il fait émerger une vision collectivement partagée où réemploi, rénovation, hybridation et renaturation contribuent à façonner des espaces prêts pour le Vivant. Mais il dit aussi ce qu’il manque – une autre manière de financer le bâti –, et quelles pistes devraient être rapidement étudiées par les professionnels.
Urban Theory