Benches Bring People Back

#93. Benches Bring People Back

© WHAT IF: projects Ltd. 2006

Urban furniture

A strategy for utilizing marginal land around Toxteth, Liverpool, through the installation of benches. Because of the collapse of the manufacturing industry, inner-city Liverpool has many empty and abandoned lots. Where these were previously avoided as unsafe or uninteresting, a bench invasion begins to return the land to productive and enjoyable use. The project asked residents to consider what might happen if every household were given a bench to place on the green, and what sorts of interactions might occur as a result. WHAT IF: projects Ltd research and develop strategies for void spaces through experimental small-scale interventions.

Atores :

WHAT IF: projects Ltd. (Ulrike Steven, Gareth Morris); Include Neighbourhood Regeneration; Residents of Toxteth

Local : Noel Street Green, Toxteth, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2006

Ferramentas : 55 Benches


Low Effort