List of photographers in the collection
A. & G. Taylor
A. Ballerstaedt
A. Fraser*
A. Luswergh e figlio
A. Rae & Son
Abbate, Frank
Abbott, Berenice
Abdullah Frères
Abney, William de Wiveleslie
Adams, Ansel
Adams, Robert
Adam-Salomon, Antoine Samuel
Adelphoi Zangaki
Adolphe Braun & Co.
Adt & Brother
Aerofilms and Aero Pictorial Ltd.
Agha, M. F.
Ahern, John
Al Salter Photography
Albee, S. V.
Albert, F.
Albin-Guillot, Laure
Albok, John
Alexander, Dorothy*
Alland, Alexander
Clément Allard
Allen, Charles Smith
Allen, Harold
Allen, Rod
Alli, Darogha Ubbas
Allison, Glen
Altadonna, Giambattista
Altman, Patrick*
Altobelli, Gioacchino
Altobelli & Molins
Amslinger, Ingrid
Anderson, David
Anderson, James
Anderson, Stephen E.
Andrieu, Jules
Annan, James Craig
Annan, John
Annan, Thomas
Antoine, Franz
Anumolu, Srijaya*
Apeda Studio
Appelt, Dieter
Arata Isozaki & Associates
Arbel, Pierre
Archer, Charles K.
Archer, Frederick Scott
Archer, Tony*
Arentz, Dick
Armstrong, Beere & Hime
Arndt, Gertrud
Arnold, Charles Dudley
Arnott Rogers Batten*
Arnoux, Hippolyte
Aronson, J. H.
Arthur Erickson Architects*
Artray Photographers Ltd.*
Asín, Luís*
Associated Screen News*
Astleford, Elmer L.
Atelier de Sandalo
Atelier Joh, Hülsen
Atelier Stone
Ateljé Sundahl
Atget, Eugène
Atherton, Timothy
Austin, Captain
Averill, Michael*
B & I Photography*
Backhouse, Arthur
Baer, Morley
Bailey, Nic
Baker, William
Baker & Burke
Baldus, Édouard
Ball, William
Ballard, Allan
Ballardini, Cesare
Bal’termants, Dmitrii Nikolaevich
Baltz, Lewis
Baranger, Henri
Barbieri, Olivo
Barbour, David*
Barchan, Paul
Barclay, F. R.
Barker, George
Barkshire, Paul
Barnard, George N.
Barrada, Yto
Barton, Son & Co.
Basilico, Gabriele
Bass Photo Co.
Bastess, Robert L.
Battaglia, Nunzio
Battistella, Gionnantonio
Baudet, Donon & Roussel
Bayard, Hippolyte
Bayer, Herbert
Bayley, G. Herbert
Bayley, Horace C.
Baz, Douglas
Beal, Joshua H.
Beals, Jessie Tarbox
Beard, Richard
Beato, Antonio
Beato, Felice
Beauchy Cano, Emilio
Beaucorps, Gustave de
Becerril, Lorenzo
Béchard, Emile
Béchard, Henri
Becher, Bernd and Hilla
Becquerel, Alexandre Edmond
Bedford, Francis
Bedford, Lemere & Co.
Beeckman, Geoff
Beer, Alois
Belcher, Max
Bembridge, William
Bemis, Samuel A.
Bendann Bros.
Benecke, Robert
Bennett, Arturo J. G.
Bennett, E. W.*
Bennett, Henry Hamilton
Bentley, B. W.
Benton-Harris, John
Bergheim, Peter
Bergmann-Michel, Ella
Berka, Ladislav Emil
Berko, Ferenc
Bernier, Denis*
Bernoud, Alphonse
Berthier, Paul-Marcellin
Bertsch et Arnaud
Besnyö, Eva
Bettenhausen, J.
Bevierre, Olivier
Bey, Mohammed Sadic
Bharadwaj, R. R.
Bierstadt, Edward
Biewend, Hermann Carl Eduard
Bigelow’s Studio
Biggi, Dida
Biggs, Thomas
Binet, Hélène
Bing, Ilse
Bingham, F. V.
Bisson, Auguste-Rosalie
Bisson, Louis-Auguste
Bisson Frères
Black, James Wallace
Blancard, H.
Blau, Tom
Blitz, E. A. von
Blot, Julien
Bode, Frances
Bodine, A. Aubrey
Boissonnas, Frédéric
Bondini, Pompeo
Bonfils, Félix
Bonney Service
Bool, Alfred
Bool, John
Born, Esther
Borowiec, Andrew
Böttger, Georg
Boucher, Pierre
Boulet, Michel
Bourdeau, Robert
Bourke-White, Margaret
Bourne, Samuel
Bourne & Shepherd
Bourret, Omer*
Bowers, H. T.
Bradley, Henry W.
Brady, Mathew B.
Brancusi, Constantin
Brandt, Bill
Braquehais, Bruno
Brattinga, Pieter
Braun, Adolphe
Braun Photo dienst
Breitenbach, Josef
Bresolin, Domenico
Bressanini, Emilio
Breton, André
Breton, Louis-André
Bridges, Marilyn
Bridges, George Wilson
Briggs, Archibald
Briggs, Netterville
Briquet, Abel
British Oxygen Company Limited
Broadbridge, Richard
Brogi, Giacomo
Bromochary, B. G.
Brown, H. C.
Brown Brothers
Bruehl, Anton
Bruguière, Francis Joseph
Brummel, Chester E. V.
Bryant, Richard
Bryne, J.
Buckham, Alfred G.
Buda, Michele
Buell, O. B.
Buffotot, Georges
Bulhak, Jan
Burckhardt, Rudy*
Bureau, Ferdinand
Burg, Gerrit
Burger, Wilhelm J.
Burgin, Victor
Burgoyne, James
Burke, John
Burley, Robert
Burns, Archibald
Burtynsky, Edward
Byron Company
Byron Harmon Photos*
Cade, Robert
Caldesi & Co.
Caldesi & Montecchi
Caldesi, Blanford & Co.
Callahan, Harry
Camera Press Ltd.
Cammas, Henry
Cammidge, H. C.
Canada Pictures*
Canadian Pacific Railway Company*
Canadian Press*
Caneva, Giacomo
Capel-Cure, Alfred
Caponigro, Paul
Caranza, Ernest de
Carapetian, Michael
Cardinell-Vincent Co.
Carey, Evelyn George
Cargin, J. F.
Carl Ullrich, Inc.
Carlo Naya (firm)
Carolyn Canon Studio*
Carrière, Bertrand
Casebere, James
Cattoni, Renzo
Cauchois, Alejandro
Cavilla, Alexander
Centennial Photographic Co.
Central Press Photos, Ltd.
Century Photo Arts*
Chambi, Martín
Champlouis, Victor Nau de
Chapman, Ronald
Charles, Martin
Charnay, Désiré
Charney, Melvin
Chauffourier, Gustavo Eugenio
Chaya Sadis Korn
Chemollo, Alessandra
Cheney, Robert Henry
Chevalier, Victor
Chevojon, Paul-Joseph-Albert
Chiaramonte, Giovanni
Chicago Aerial Survey
Chicago Architectural Photo Co.
Chichester, D.*
Chillman, P. E.
Chit, F.
Choiselat et Ratel
Christmann, S. P.
Cimetta, Giuseppe
Ciol, Elio
Civit, Josep*
Cizacky, Emil
Clément, Serge
Clifford, Charles
Clift, William
Clouzard, A.
Co. Saski
Cobbett, Bob*
Coburn, Alvin Langdon
Cognacq, T.
Cohen, Lynne
Cole, J. J.
Collard, Auguste-Hippolyte
Collein, Edmund
Collier, Joseph
Collischorn, H.
Colls, Lebbeus
Colombo Apothecaries
Compagnie aérienne Franco-Canadienne*
Conner, Lois
Connor, Linda
Consemüller, Erich
Constant, Eugène
Constantin, D.
Conway, L. C.
Conwill, Joseph D.
Cook, C. E.
Coolidge, Baldwin
Coonley, Jacob F.
Coppens, J. H. P.
Coppola, Horacio
Corbeau, Marcel*
Cormier, Ernest*
Coronet Studio Inc.*
Coster, Gordon H.
Cottingham, Robert
Courret Hermanos
Cowles, Dudley
Craddock, J.
Cramb, John
Crane, T. F.
Cremer, James
Crespon, A.
Crooks Studio
Cuccioni, Tommaso
Cundall, Joseph
Cundall & Fleming
Cundall, Downes & Co.
Cunningham, Imogen
Current, William
Currey, Francis Edmond
Curtis, Edward S.
Cyr, E. J.*
Da Silva, Joaquim Possidónio Narciso
Daigneault, Simonne*
Dammann, Carl
Damora, Robert
Dantzic, Jerry
Darr, Dominique*
D’Astous, Roger*
Davanne, Louis-Alphonse
Davey Photo Co.
David Bier Studios*
David Knell & Assoc.*
Davidson, Bruce
Davidson, Gerry*
Davis, Melody D.
Dayal, Lala Deen
De Burgh Galwey
Mme De Charly
De Clercq, Louis
De Labrador, Edmond
De Lautour, Mary
De Meyer, Adolf
De Pietri, Paola
De Visser, John*
Deal, Joe
Dearstyne, Howard
Debus, Maximilian
Dedoyard, C.
Degoix, Celestino
Delamotte, Philip Henry
Delano, Jack
Delbet, Jules
Delcroix, Eugene A.
Delessert, Benjamin
Delessert, Edouard
Delfosse, Georges
Delmaet & Durandelle
Delon, Eugène
Demeuse, J.
Depeaux, F.
Desai, Mitul*
Désilets, Antoine*
Désiré, Ermé
Desplanques, E.
Desrochers, Brigitte
Deul, C. A.
Devine, Jed
Devohes, F.
Diamond, Hugh Welch
Dick Frank Studio
Diente, Xenia*
Digaut, N.
Disraeli, Robert
Divola, John
Dixon, Henry
Dodge, Henry
Dollens, Dennis*
Donaldson’s Studio*
Donat, John
Douglas, Stan
Dovizielli, Pietro
Dow, Jim
Downs, Barry
Dr. E. Mertens & Cie.
Dr. Lossen & Co.
Dr. Paul Wolff & Tritschler
Drader, Frank
Drew, George H.
Drummond, Michael*
Du Camp, Maxime
Dubois, André
Duboscq-Soleil, Louis Jules
Duchesnay, Robert*
Duchow, David
Duclos, J.
Dufresne, Jacques
Dufresne, Walter
Dupras & Colas*
Durand, Luc*
Durand, Philippe Fortuné
Durand-Brager et Lassimonne
Durandelle, Louis-Émile
Dutton & Michaels
Dyer, Thomas Henry
E.S. Frost & Son
E.W. Bennett Photo Service*
Easton, Bob
Eckert, G. M.
Edelman, Richard
Edgar Orr & Co.
Edwards, J. D.
Eggermont, Isidore Jacques
Eggert, Fred
Eggleston, William
Ehm, Josef
Ehrhardt, Alfred
Eichmann, D.
Eigenmann, Yves
Eilers, Bernard F.
Einzig, Richard
Ellinwood, J. G.
Ellison, Thomas
Ellot, B.
Emanuel, Charles H. L.
Emden, Hermann
England, William
Evans, E. D.
Evans, Frederick H.
Evans, Steven
Evans, Walker
Ewing, D. B.
F.J. Thomas Photography*
Fardon, George Robinson
Fassett,Samuel Montague
Fausty and Rose
Federal Photos*
Feininger, Andreas
Feininger, T. Lux
Feist, Werner David
Felton, Herbert
Fenton, Roger
Fernique, Albert
Ferrazzini, P. A.*
Ferrez, Marc
Ferrier, Claude Marie
Ferrier, père, fils et Soulier
Fierlants, Edmond
Final Photo
Finck, Heinz Dieter*
Finsler, Hans
Finsterlin, Ferd.
Fiorillo, L.
Firman, David
Fisher, E. D.
Fisher & Ludwig
Fitz, Grancel
Fizeau, Hippolyte
Flachéron, Frédéric A.
Fleck, Brigitte*
Fleischmann, Trude
Florman & Halldin
Florschuetz, Thomas
Floyd, W. P.
Fohrman, Sherwood*
Folberg, Neil
Folsom, Augustine H.
Ford Photographic
Forrest, Brian
Forster Studio
Fortier, François Alphonse
Foto Jerry
Foto Moller Praha
Foto Rien Bazen
Fotografia Dell’Emilia
Fountaine, C. G.
Fournier, Robert
Fowx, Egbert Guy
Fox Photos Ltd.
Frahm, Klaus
France, Maureen
Francis Frith & Co.
Frange, William
Frank, Robert
Frank Oberkoetter Studios
Fratacci, Carlo
Fratelli Alinari
Frederick A. Stearns & Company
Fredricks, Charles DeForest
Frequin, A.
Frequin, B.
Fridrich, Frantisek
Friedlander, Lee
Friend, Hervey
Frith, Francis
Frost Enterprises, Vancouver*
Fuchs, Charles
Fuermann, Henry
Fulker, John*
Fulkersin, Frank
Funke, Jaromír
Futagawa, Yukio
G. Koppmann & Co.
G. Lékégian & Cie.
Gaillard, Paul
Galbraith Photo Co.
Gangler, Tod
Ganguli Studios*
Garcin, E.
Gardner, Alexander
Gardner, James
Garofalo, Lucio
Gaudry, L H.
Gautherot, Marcel
Gebrüder Schonscheidt
Gem: Werken
Gemeentelijke Dienst
General Motors Photographic
Genthe, Arnold
Geoffray, Stéphane
George Allen Aerial Photos Ltd.*
George P. Hall & Son
Gérard, Léon
Ghirri, Luigi
Gibson, Tom
Gidal, Tim
Gill, Robert
Gilpin, Laura
Giroux, André
Giroux, Bernard*
Giroux, E. L.
Glenn, Ann
Glorieux, Guy
Glover, L. S.
Godard, Adolphe
Gohlke, Frank
Goldbeck, Eugene Omar
Goldberg, Jeff*
Goldsmith, Myron*
Gollings, John
Good, Frank Mason
Gordon, H.
Görner, Reinhard
Gorsten, Ernst
Gossage, John R.
Gottscho, Samuel H.
Gottscho-Schleisner, Inc.
Gowan, James*
Gowin, Emmet
Graetz Bros. Ltd.*
Graham, Dan
Graham, James
Graham, Paul
Grancey, E. de
Graphic Industries Ltd.*
Gravot, Marius
Gray, William
Grays Camera Shop Studio
Graziani, Stefano
Greenberg, Lorne
Greene, John Beasley
Greenlaw, Colonel Alexander John
Grice, Art
Griggs, William
Grimes, John R.
Groll, Andreas
Groover, Jan
Gros, Jean-Baptiste-Louis
Grotz, Paul
Gruntal, V. G.
Gsell, Emile
Gubbay, Aline
Gubelman, Theo
Gudmundson, Wayne
Guerrero, Pedro E.
Guidi, Guido
Guidolotti, Pino
Guild Jr., William H.
Gutch, John Wheeley Gough
Gutekunst, Frederick
Gutsche, Clara
H. Schmuckler
H.S. Crocker & Co.*
Hacker, Susan
Hacker, Theodore S.
Haddock, James, Mrs.
Haines, E. S. M.
Halbe, Roland*
Hales, Mick*
Hall, J.
Hall, J. D.*
Hallensleben, Ruth
Halsman, Philippe
Hambourg, Serge
Hameter, J. G.
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm
Hands Studio*
Hanfstaengl, Franz
Hanson, David A.
Hanson, David Taverner
Harand, F.
Hardcastle, Marjory
Hardt, H.
Hare, Chauncey
Harrington, John
Harris, Suzanne
Harrison, Alec*
Harting, G. W.
Hase, G. Thomas
Hatakeyama, Naoya
Hatch, D. W.
Hautecoeur, Albert
Havinden, John
Hawes, Josiah Johnson
Hawkins, Stuart
Haynes, F. Jay
Hazell, Denis H.
Hazeltine, Martin Mason
Hebert, Pedro Martínez de
Hedrich-Blessing (Firm)
Hege, Fritz
Hege, Walter
Heilmann, J. J.
Heinrich, Annemarie
Heins, John P.
Helders, Johan
Hélio Faucheux
Henderson, Alexander
Henle, Fritz
Henneman, Nicolaas
Henri, Florence
Henrichsen, L. C.
Henson, A. E.
Hentrup, Marlies
Herczegh, Zoltan
Hershey, Susan*
Hertel, C.
Hertig, Klaus
Hervé, Lucien
Hervey, Antoinette B.
Hesler, Alexander
Hess, Allen
Hester, Paul
Hibbard, C. P.
Hill & Adamson
Hill & Watkins
Hillel, Edward
Hillers, John K.
Hine, Lewis Wickes
Hirsch, Hy
Höge, Carl Friedrich
Holmes, A. B.
Holmes, J. Andrew
Holmes, R. B.
Holownia, Thaddeus
Holtsnider Studios
Horner, Thomas
Homma, Takashi
Hook, W. E.
Horeis, William
Horne, Fallon
Hosoe, Eiko
Howlett, Robert
Hoyningen-Huene, George
Huard, E.
Hubacher, Grete
Hubbard, Cortlandt Van Dyke
Hude, Kristian
Huff, F. L.
Hughes, Cornelius Jabez
Hunt, Leawitt
Hunter, Alastair
Hunter, George
Hursley, Timothy
Hyett, Paul
J. Gurney & Son
Jackson, J.
Jackson, William Henry
Jackson Photographic Co.
Jaeger, Henry
Jaeger & Georger
Jager, A.
Jain, Bijoy*
James, Geoffrey
James, George Wharton
Jasienski, Stefan
Jasinski, André
Jeanneret, Jacqueline*
Jeanrenaud, A.
Jeffrey Lindsay & Associates*
Jenkins, Tom
Jenner, John
Jenshel, Len
Jeuffrain, Paul
Joaillier, Policarpe
John Donat Photography
Johnson, C. W. J.
Johnson, Edward
Johnson, William
Johnston, Frances Benjamin
Johnston & Hoffman
Joly de Lotbinière, Pierre-Gustave
Jomard, Edmond
Jones, Pirkle
Jones, Calvert Richard
Josephson, Kenneth
Jowett, H. R.*
Jung, C.
Junghaendel, R. M.
Jusserand, Andre
Juster, Mac
Kahlo, Guillermo
Kahn, Robert
Kalter, I.
Kaminsky, Walter
Kamman, Jan
Karsh, Yousuf
Kasparík, Karel
Katz, Leandro
Kaufmann & Fabry Co.
Kawamata, Tadashi
Kazimierski, Daniel
Keetman, Peter
Keiley, Joseph T.
Keith, Thomas
Kelbaugh, Douglas*
Kelham, Augustus
Kennedy, Clarence
Kérouac, Jean-Guy*
Kertész, André
Kessels, Willy
Kilburn Brothers
Killip, Christopher
Kimmich, John
King, Jonathan
Kinold, Klaus
Klein, Aart
Klein, Sylvia*
Klett, Mark
Kluge ja Ströhm
Knigge, Jens
Koch, Lewis
Kok, J. J., Sr.
Kolbach, Helmut*
Koningsveld, G. J. van
Koppmann, Georg
Korab, Balthazar
Korth, Fred G.
Kossler, Bruno
Köster, Arthur
Kostiner, Lewis S.
Kozlowski, Justin
Krajewski, Max
Kramer, Arnold
Kramer, C.
Krase, Waltraud
Krause, Carl
Krayl, Carl
Kreyenkamp, August
Krone, Hermann
Krupy, Alex J.
Kumar, Suresh*
Kuno Vogt Photography*
Kusakabe, Kimbei
La Burthe et Warolin
La Roche, Frank
Labelle, Paul*
Ladmore and Son
Laforest, Alain
Lafranchini, J.
Lagrange, Alexis de
Laguillo, Manolo*
Lamb, Ernest
Lambert, Sam
Landau, R.
Landriault, Victor*
Lange, Ed.
Langenheim, Frederick
Langlois, Jean-Charles
Langlumé, P.
Latour, Roger
Latulippe, Valery
Lau, J. F.
Laughlin, Clarence John
Laurent, F.
Laurent, Juan
Lauriere, Luc
Lavoie, Jean-Jacques*
Lawton, J.
Layland Ross Ltd.
Lazi, Adolf
Le Blondel, A.
Le Gray, Gustave
Le Secq, Henri
Leaman & Lee
Lee, Russell
Lefavour, J. S.
Leftwick, William
Lehnartz, Klaus
Leigh, Edward
Leishman, Allan R.*
Leloup, Alain
Lemire, Robert A.
Lenormand, Charles
Lenscape Incorporated*
Léon & Lévy
Lessinger, Jack
Letellier, Emile
Leung, Henry A.
Levick, Edwin
Levin, Mikael
Levy, Albert
L’Heureux, Guy*
Liang, Shitai
Libsohn, Sol
Liébert, Alphonse J.
Liebling, Jerome
Lincoln, F. S.
Linehan, Patrick
Lissitzky, El
Livernois, J. B.
Loch, William
Loew, Heinz
Lombardi, Paolo
London Stereoscopic Co.
Long, Jack*
Longwell, Langdon H.
Lorens, A.
Lorent, Jakob August
Lossen, Otto
Lotze, Maurizio
Loubère, P.
Loughton, Alfred J.
Lousada, Sandra
Lumen, Charles
Lumière, Auguste
Lumière, Louis
Lyon, Edmund David
Lyte, Farnham Maxwell
M. Frankenstein & Co.
M. Göllner
MacAskill, Wallace R.
MacCallum, Peter
Macfarlane, Sir Donald
Machedo, Carlos*
Macpherson, Robert
MacRae, Wendell
Madge, J. B.
Magny, Alfred
Maison Bonfils
Maison Martinet
Maison Rodolphe
Malhotra, Jeet*
Malik, Harji*
Mallet & Gordon Photographers
Malmström, Axel
Maloney, Joe
Malsen, F. W. van
Malta Campos, Augusto Cesar de
Maltby, John
Man Ray
Manenizza, M.
Manning Bros.
Mansy, G.
Mantz, Werner
Manuel, Henri
Marco, Jindrich
Marsh, Robert H.
Martens, Friedrich von
Martin, Ira W.
Marville, Charles
Mascré, Joseph
Maskelyne, Nevil Story
Mason, O. G.
Mason, R. H.
Massari, Alejandro
Massenet, Bruno*
Mather, Margrethe
Matta, Roberto
Matta-Clark, Gordon
Maude, Frederic Hamer
Maudslay, Alfred Percival
Mauri, Achille
Mauri, Eufrasio
May, Charles
May, William
Mayfield Photos
McCaughey, J.
McClees & Germon
McCosh, John
McDonald, Herbert L.*
McDonald, James
McFarland, Lawrence
McGrath, Norman R. C.
McIntyre, Alexander Carson
Medina, Luis
Meeson, Stafford R.
Menon, Lakshmi*
Merrett, Brian
Messana, Joseph P.
Meydenbauer, Albrecht
Meyer, Hannes
Meyer-Veden, Hans
M’Ghie, J.
Michelez, Charles
Michiels, Johann Franz
Mierendorf, Wilhelm
Milewski, Casimir W.
Millar Studio*
Miller, A. George
Miller, David
Miller, Don
Miller, Frank Lotz
Miller, G.
Miller, Milton M.
Milliken, J.
Millon, H. A.
Mills, John
Milschell, L.
Minden, Robert
Mischenko, B.
Mishima, Satoru*
Mitchell, Michael
Moeller, J. R.
Moholy, Lucia
Moholy-Nagy, László
Mohr, Jean*
Moliné y Alabareda
Molins, Pompeo
Molitor, Joseph W.
Mollino, Carlo
Monkhouse, William
Monti, Paolo
Moore, Andrew
Moore, Peter
Moore, Roger L.*
Morain, André
Moraites, Petros
Moran, Thomas
Morris, Wright
Morse, Alexander B.*
Mortenson, Ray
Morton, Verne
Moscioni, Romualdo
Moser, Lida
Moulin, F. Jacques
Moulins Studios
Moulton, Henry De Witt
Moulton-Erickson Photo Co.
Mudd, James
Mugnier, George François
Muir, Doug
Muller, Hermann*
Muller, John
Müller, Leopold Carl
Mulock, Ben R.
Multi Color
Murray, Colin
Murray, John
Muybridge, Eadweard
Muzet Joguet
Nadar, Félix
Nadar, Paul
Naiman’s Studio*
Nairn, Ian
Namuth, Hans
Narayan, Shivshanker
National Reproductions
Navara, Frank
Naya, Carlo
Nègre, Charles
Negretti and Zambra
Neill, A. C. B.
Neurdein, É.
Neurdein Frères
Neutra, Richard Joseph
Newhall, Beaumont
Newman, Alan B.
Newman, Arnold
Newton, Neil*
Nicholl, Spencer Percival Talbot
Nickel, Richard
Niépce de Saint-Victor, Claude-Félix-Abel
Nixon, Nicholas
Noack, Alfredo
Nöhring, J.
Norberg, Bertil
Normand, Alfred-Nicolas
Nostitz, Grigorii Ivanovich
Notman, William
Oakeley, Richard Banner
Odiorne, William C.
Ogawa, Kazumasa
Ojen, E. M. van
Oliphant, W. S.*
Oltarzhevskii, Pavel Konstantinovich
O’Neill, Michael
Oosterhuis, P.
Oplatka, H.
Ordeman, Les T.
Ortega, Alvaro*
Ortiz-Echagüe, José
Osborne Photographers
Osterman, Friedrich
Ostertag, Geo. A.
O’Sullivan, Timothy H.
Otto, Angela
Outerbridge, Paul
Owen, Hugh
P. L.
P. P.
Pacault, M.
Pach, G. W.
Pach Brothers
Paganori, Vincenzo
Pahl, Pius E.
Paiement, Alain
Panda Associates*
Papageorge, Tod
Pare, Richard
Park Photo
Parker, Francis
Parker, John Henry
Parker & Parker
Parks, J. G.
Parr, Martin
Parrella, Lew
Parry, Sylvester
Parshley, F. E.
Paterson, Ian
Patrick, John
Paul S. Kivett Architectural Fotografics*
Payette, Jean P.*
Payne, Chris F.*
Peabody, Henry G.
Pearson, Norman
Peary, Robert Edwin
Pec, Em.
Peck, Mary
Penn, A. T. W.
Penn, Irving
Perini, Antonio
Perkins, A. J.
Perron, Robert*
Peterhans, Walter
Petit, Pierre
Petitjean, Marc
Petitot, L.
Petitot et Maindron
Petschow, Robert
Pettitt, Alfred
Pfahl, John
Phillips, Philip
Phillips, T. W.
Photo Lucien Morin*
Photo Meyer K.G. Presse-Illustrationen*
Photo Sergysels
Photo-Art Comm. Studio
Photographic Institute
Photographic Survey Ltd.*
Photographische Gesellschaft
Pickands, James, II
Pigou, William Henry
Piot, Eugène
Pittaway-Jarvis Limited Photographers*
Poitevin, Alphonse
Pollard & Pollard Studio
Ponti, Carlo
Ponting, Herbert George
Pöppel, Walter
Porter, Eliot Furness
Potter, Edward Tuckerman
Poulton, S. E.
Pouncy, John
Powrie, David Graham
Pozzi, Pompeo
Pratt, C. A. B.
Pratt, Charles
Preuss, K.
Pribil, Alex
Prince, George
Pringle, W. J.
Progress Photo
Proine Studio
Proulx, Michel*
Prout, Victor A.
Pryce, T.
Puig, J. E.
Pumphrey, Alfred
Pumphrey, William
Pun Lun
Pywell, William R.
Quetier, E.
Quinet, Achille
R. Maia & Franceschi
R.B. Holmes & Co.
R.E. Kizer Illustrative & Commercial Photography
R.J. Waters & Co.
Ranalli, George
Rand, Marvin
Ranney, Edward
Rau, William Herman
Raymond, Aubrey G.
Raymond Photo
Reeck, Hanah
Reeves, Walton
Rehbein, C.
Reich, Charles
Reid, John
Reiffenstein, Bruno
Reilly, John James
Relvas, Carlos
Renard, François-Auguste
Renger-Patzsch, Albert
Ricci, Luigi
Rice Studio*
Richard, Franz
Richard Allen and Son
Richard Arless Associates*
Richards, Frederick Debourg
Richards, Roger G.
Richards & Betts
Richards & Co.
Richebourg, A.
Richter, Karl
Rideout & McFadden
Rittase, William
Ritzmann, Charles L.
Rive, Roberto
Robert, Louis-Rémy
Robert R. Frissell, Inc.
Robertson, James
Robertson & Beato
Robinson, Henry Peach
Robt. Ward Sandra Williams Associates*
Robuchon, Jules
Rockwood, George Gardner
Rockwood & Co.
Rodchenko, Aleksandr Mikhailovich
Rodriguez, John*
Rogers, Gertrude
Roger-Viollet, Hélène*
Rohde, Werner
Roma, Thomas
Romaidis Brothers
Romano, Filippo
Rose, Brian
Rosenberg, C. G.
Rosenthal, Steve
Ross, Richard
Rosser, Richard
Rossetti, Giacomo
Rosshandler, Madame*
Rossier, Pierre
Rössler, Jaroslav
Rotan, Thurman
Roth, Emil
Rothengatter & Dillon
Rowe, Josiah
Rückwardt, Hermann
Rudd, Charles
Ruetz, Michael
Ruff, Thomas
Rusfeldt, Emil
Rusk, Grant
Russell, Andrew J.
Rust, Thomas
Ruwedel, Mark
Ruzicka, D. J.
Ryn, Rembrand van
S. Slinn and Company
S.B. Angle & Co.
S.J. Hayward (Firm)
Sacchi, Luigi
Saché, John Edward
Sachtler, August
Sagerman, Robert
Saint-Martin, Alfred
Salaün, Albin
Salmon, H. W.
Salvin, Osbert
Salzmann, Auguste
Sampson, Henry
Samulewitz, Hans*
Sander, August
Sandoval, Judith Hancock de
Sanglau, Achille
Saraiva, Pedro*
Sarchiapone, Cosmos Andrew
Saunders, Earl
Saunders, W.
Sauvaire, Henri
Savage, Charles Roscoe
Savage, William
Schell, Sherril
Scherb, Julius
Schezen, Roberto
Schick, Jules
Schiff, Hans
Schmidt, G.
Schmölz, Hugo
Schmölz Foto
Schnall, Ben
Schonscheidt, J. H.
Schubert, Marcus
Schuch, Bruno
Schürmann, Herbert
Schürmann, Wilhelm
Schwitters, Kurt
Scott, Simon*
Scott & Wilkinson photographers
Scowen, C.
Scowen & Co.
Seaver Jr., C.
Sébah, Jean Pascal
Sébah, Pascal
Sébah & Joailiier
Sebastianutti, Guglielmo
Sedgfield, William Russell
Seeley, Alfred
Seidenstücker, Friedrich
Seliger, Mark*
Seligmann, Herbert J.
Semchishen, Orest
Sergysels, A.
Sert, José María
Sevaistre, Eugène
Sharat, Shapma*
Sharma, Suresh*
Shear, George Willard
Sheeler, Charles
Shepherd, Charles
Shepherd & Robertson
Sherer I Nabgolts
Shields, William Gordon
Shore, Stephen
Shulman, Julius
Sidney Darby & Son Ltd.
Siegel, Arthur Sidney
Sill, Henry
Simpson, Benjamin
Sinclair, James, 14th earl of Caithness
Singh, Raghubir
Sinsabaugh, Art
Sipprell, Clara E.
Sir Robert McAlpine & Sons
Sise, Hazen*
Siskind, Aaron
Slocum, J. E.
Slocum Brothers
Smeaton’s Photographic Gallery
Smillie, T. W.
Smith, Edwin
Smith, George Everard Kidder
Smith, H. G.
Smith, Kenneth Dudley
Smith, Michael A.
Smith, Richard Averill
Smith, Stephen
Smith, W. Eugene
Smithson, Peter
Société La Haye et Ouellet*
Solomon, Rosalind
Sommer, Giorgio
Sommil Photo Corp.
Soule, John P.
Soule, William Stinson
Soulier, Charles
Southworth & Hawes
Souza, Erasmo
Spender, Humphrey
Spithöver, Joseph
Spuybroek, Lars*
St. Barbe-West, Henry
Stackpole, Peter
Stadtfeld, M.
Steckbaure, W. E.
Steichen, Edward
Steinberg, Robert J.
Steiner, Ralph
Stereo-Travel Co.
Sternberg, Morley von
Sternfeld, Joel
Stevens, Jane Alden
Stewart Brothers, Inc.*
Stieglitz, Alfred
Stillfried, Raimund von, Baron
Stillfried & Andersen
Stillman, William James
Stirling, James Frazer
Stoddard, Seneca Ray
Stoedtner, Franz
Stokes, George B.
Stoller, Ezra
Stone, Cami
Stone, Sir John Benjamin
Stover Studio
Strand, Paul
Street-Porter, Tim
Strudwick, William
Strumper & Co.
Struss, Karl
Struth, Thomas
Studio Alain enrg.*
Studio Chevojon
Studio Lausanne Co.*
Studio Lepage Commercial Photographer*
Studio Mumbai*
Stumpf, Holger
Stupich, Martin
Sudek, Josef
Sugimoto, Hiroshi
Sultan, Larry
Sunderland, Clyde
Suscipj, Lorenzo
Sutcliffe, Frank Meadow
Suter, Gerardo
Sutton, Thomas
Suzuki, Hisao*
Svarre-Cantlon Photographers*
Svoboda, Alexander
Swank, Luke
Syrkus, Helena
Szabo, Steve
Szilasi, Gabor
T. & R. Annan & Sons
Tabard, Maurice
Taber, Isaiah West
Taber Photo
Tagliarini, Joe*
Taillefer, Paul*
Talbot, Paul-Henri*
Talbot, William Henry Fox
Tata, Sam
Taylor, John Wilson
Terpereau, Alphonse
Terrazas, Eduardo*
Terris, Adolphe
Teynard, Félix
Thalemann, Else
Thall, Bob
The Mott Studios
Theodor Reimers CULM & W. Graudenzerdr
Thomas, J.
Thomine, Charles
Thompson, Charles Thurston
Thompson, Stephen
Thomson, John
Thorek, Max
Thorne, George W.
Tice, George A.
Titzenthaler, Waldemar
Topley, William James
Tourtin, J. C.
Trager, Philip
Traquair, Ramsay
Trémaux, Pierre
Tri-Boro Photos
Tripe, Linnaeus
Trower, Victor*
Tugendhat, Fritz
Turner, Austin Augustus
Turner, Benjamin Brecknell
Turner, Judith
Tytler, Harriet Christina
Tytler, Robert Christopher
Vaccari, Franco
Vachon, John
Valentine, James
Valentine & Sons
Vallée, Louis-Prudent
Van Dyke, Willard
Van Lint, Enrico
Vanderpant, John
Varley, Peter*
Vasella, Alessandro
Vaux, Marc
Veltri, John
Ventura, Fulvio
Versnel, Jan
Verzaschi, Enrico
Vetault, R.
Vick, W.
Vickery, W. K.
Vignes, Louis
Vincent, Denis*
Vinmer, Alexis
Vlaanderen, Joh.
Vladimirov, V.
Volkerding, Laura
Vollmann, Werner*
Vorísek, Josef
Vroman, Adam Clark
W. H. Jackson Photograph and Publishing Co.
W.J. Oliver Photographic Studio*
W.L.H. Skeen & Co.
Wagner, Catherine
Waite, C. B.
Wakely, G. D.
Walker, Lewis E.
Walker, William
Wall, Jeff
Walser, Peter
Walter, Hermann
Walther, Jean
Waquant, Michèle
Ward, Robin*
Ward C. Morgan Studio
Warner, W. Harding
Warren, C. W.
Warren, George K.
Warrington, Graham*
Wasmuth, Ernst
Watanabe, Yoshio
Waterhouse, James
Watkins, Carleton E.
Watts, Todd
Weaver, Cedric
Webb Co.
Webber, Gordon McKinley
Weber, G.
Webster & Stevens
Weed, Charles L.
Weisz, Frank*
Wendroth & Dodge
Wesley Bowman Studios
Wessel, Henry
Weston, Edward
Westwood, Colin
Wheelhouse, Claudius Galen
Whipple, John Adams
White, John Claude
White, John Forbes
White, Minor
Whites Aviation Ltd
Whyte, Harold*
Wick, Walter*
Wickham, Michael
Wiele & Klein
Wightman, Eugene P.
Wilkinson Studios Ltd.*
Wilks, Harry
William Brothers*
William Notman & Son
Williams, James Leon
Williams, Ray
Williams, Sophus
Williams & Meyer Co.
Wilson, George Washington
Windenberger, Jacques
Winningham, Geoff
Winogrand, Garry
Wittick, Ben
Wolff, Paul
Wolin, Jeffrey A.
Wood, George Bacon
Woodbridge, Louise Deshong
Woodbury & Page
Woodward Studio
Woolf, John
Woolf, Paul J.
Worden, Willard E.
Wormald, Edmund
This page was last updated 7 February 2018.
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