Parables and Other Allegories: The Work of Melvin Charney 1975–1990 comprises approximately 100 drawings, including many large-scale, sketches, photographs, and three large constructions. By assembling works from various public and private collections, including the CCA, the exhibition permits a comprehensive analysis of Charney’s artistic process to reveal the dialogue between idea, drawing, and built object.
Melvin Charney works at the intersection of art and architecture, stimulating philosophical and theoretical discussion on the city, its history, and its architecture. His site-specific works deal with process, content, and form of the built object, with the city as major referent. In the exhibition, Charney’s work unfolds around themes centered on the artist’s research. These themes, key points in the formulation of Charney’s artistic production, also reveal the artist’s social concern, arguing that the cultural, scientific, and political spheres are experienced in their interweavings and mutual relationships.
Curated by Alessandra Latour.
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