Territories are the complex set of relations to things that keep us alive. They are bound spaces, where intersecting borders establish semi-stable relations between polities and their material base of operations. A new intensification is reshaping the surface and the cycles of the Earth: the Anthropocene marks an exit from modern forms of territorial organization of humanity. Remote sensing and technologies of measuring and surveying are used to enter into the multiple oscillations and reverberations that the Anthropocene lays out, with new territories cutting through pre-established ones, often in a violent way. New territories reconfigure the transient relations between the institutionalized forms of cohabitation and their material spaces. No more figure/ground.
–John Palmesino
John Palmesino and Ann-Sofi Rönnskog are the founders of Territorial Agency, an independent organization that combines architecture, analysis, advocacy and action for integrated spatial transformation of contemporary territories. Recent projects include the Anthropocene Observatory, an international documentary project developed with Armin Linke and Anselm Franke that traces the emerging thesis of the new man-made age; the Museum of Oil, a project carried out in collaboration with Greenpeace and Dare; the Museum of Infrastructural Unconscious; North; and Unfinishable Markermeer. The Anthropocene Observatory was exhibited at HKW in Berlin and at bak basis voor actuele kunst Utrecht.
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