As part of her work on wastelands, artist Lara Almarcegui invites us to discuss the future of the former Francon quarry in Montréal’s Saint-Michel district with her, architects Antonio di Bacco (Atelier Barda), Etienne Issa (Atelier Barda), Patrick Evans, as well as local residents.
Diverse interests clash in the debate on the future of this former quarry and the reuse of its eighty-hectare territory, which is fracturing the urban and social landscapes of Saint-Michel. While the quarry is partially used as an important deposit site for 40 percent of Montreal’s snow and as a storage area for machinery and urban equipment, the City of Montréal’s urban plan has earmarked part of this site as “to be developed.” The quarry catalyzes many issues related to social and territorial equality, environmental impact, and political, infrastructural, and land-related issues at neighbourhood and city levels.
Should the quarry be filled? Should it be redeveloped? Should buildings be constructed on or near the site, and if so for what purpose? Or should it be kept as it is? What about the ecosystems and activities that once occupied the space? What should we do with the snow?
Join us at 2p.m. in the Shaughnessy House for this public discussion of the potential and future of the site.
This conversation is part relates to the guide to the Francon quarry Almarcegui produced for the exhibition The Lives of Documents—Photography as Project as part of her series of booklets Guides to the Wastelands, which focus on abandoned lands, disused buildings, and temporary occupation zones. These publications draw our attention to places that are awaiting decisions or transformation, raising awareness of urban upheavals, debates and discussions about these sites by asking us to take note of them.
This public discussion is part of a series of events accompanying the exhibition The Lives of Documents—Photography as Project, which looks at the processes and methodologies of artists and photographers in constructing visual arguments, critiques, research, and observations about our built environment through the photographic medium.
This project was partly made possible by the Creative Industries Fund NL.
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