Album of prints and drawings for nine domestic commissions, an office building, a tomb, and a hothouse in Paris, Royan and Cologne
Album of prints and drawings for nine domestic commissions, an office building, a tomb, and a hothouse in Paris, Royan and Cologne
  • comtesse de Lubersac (client)
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (architect)
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (draughtsman)
  • Unknown, France, mid 19th century (draughtsman)
  • Madame de Lescure (client)
  • Monsieur Fauquet-Lemaitre (client)
  • Monsieur Le Comte (client)
  • Monsieur Moreau Chaslon (client)
  • Monsieur Piet (client)
  • Daguerre (client)
  • Paris (France). Administration générale des omnibus (client)
  • A. Waresquiel (client)

Album of prints and drawings for nine domestic commissions, an office building, a tomb, and a hothouse in Paris, Royan and Cologne


drawings exectued between 1838 and 1854, prints executed between 1838 and 1856


- This album consists mainly of elevations, sections and plans for a number of domestic commissions by Charles Rohault de Fleury: a house in Cologne, a hothouse for M. Faquet-Lemaitre, two [?] apartment houses and three private houses in Paris, a house for Mme de Lescure, Royan, and the Administration générale des omnibus office building, Paris. Both the drawings for the house in Cologne and the three variant projects for a hothouse are probably presentation drawings. There are contract drawings, probably the architect's copies, for apartment houses for M. Piet and M. Le Comte, and houses for M. Moreau Chaslon, Mme la comtesse de Lubersac, Mme de Lescure and M. Waresquiel. A sheet of cost calculations attached to a preliminary site plan, are probably for M. Waresquiel's house. The first plan for Mme la comtesse de Lubersac's house (DR1974:0002:002:084), and the plans for M. Waresquiel's house are annotated with the functions of the rooms. The architect's copies of the drawings for the country house in Royan, given to the client by the architect, include drawings of the foundations and framework, larger scale elevational and sectional details of the architectural elements, profiles and joinery details. The function within the design process of the prints for the commercial building for the Administration Générale de Omnibus is unclear. The principal elevation (DR1974:0002:002:020) is rendered in watercolour, suggesting it may be a presentation print. The other prints for this building exhibit the same degree of finish as the contract drawings in this album, but the absence of the client's and contractor's signatures and the revision attached to DR1974:0002:002:022 suggests they may be part of the design development stage of the project. Also included in the album is a sheet of preliminary sketches for a tomb for Daguerre (not the photographer) and two small unbound sheets of sketches for unidentified projects (DR1974:0002:002:048 and DR1974:0002:002:028).

textual records
works of art
Quantity / Object type:
1 album(s)
Stage and Purpose:
  • contract drawings
  • conceptual drawings
  • design development drawings
  • presentation drawings (proposals)
  • working drawings
  • technical drawings
  • detail drawings
  • structural drawings
Technique and media:

Prints include transfer lithographs with wash, mostly with revisions in graphite, although some revisions are in pen and ink, and one transfer lithograph with watercolour and wash, all on wove paper


album (approx.): 49,5 x 36,5 x 5,8 cm sheet (smallest): 14 x 21,4 cm sheet (largest): 85 x 59,5 cm secondary support: 29,2 x 44,6 cm

Reference number:


Drawing Type:
  • line drawings
  • mechanical drawings (tool-aided drawings)
  • finished drawings
  • sketches
  • preliminary sketches
Document Type:
  • table of contents
  • financial record
Method of Projection:
  • oblique drawing
  • scale drawings
  • full-scale drawings
  • profiles (orthographic drawings)
  • plans (drawings)
  • site plan
  • cross sections
  • longitudinal sections
  • elevations (drawings)
  • sketch elevation (drawing)
  • sketch plans (drawings)
  • composite drawings
Point of View:
  • general views
  • partial views
  • exterior views
  • interior views
Physical characteristics and technical requirements:

- The album is bound in album boards covered with marbled paper. The leather spine is stamped in brown and gold with the title and date. The endpapers are also marbled and there is a bookplate on the front flyleaf. All the sheets are on guards, except for DR1974:0002:002:028 and DR1974:0002:002:048, which are loose pieces of paper. The sheets span either the full width or half the width of the album, with the exception of DR1974:0002:002:040, which is twice the size of the full width sheets. Half of an envelope addressed to George Rohault de Fleury and postmarked 25 October 1894, was found between the folds of DR1974:0002:002:054.


signed - by the architect, in pen and ink, on most of the drawings and reprographic copies, usually l.r.: "Rohault" or "Ch. Rohault" signed - on many of the transfer lithographs, by a number of unknown hands, in pen and ink, in various locations: with the signature of the client and what is probably the signatures of the contractors dated and inscribed - by the draughtsman, on most of the originals, usually l.r., the following on DR1974:0002:002:036 being typical: "Dressé par l'Architecte soussigné / Paris ce 26 Mai 1852" [the "26" has been inserted in pen and ink by the architect] dated and inscribed - on most of the drawings, by the draughtsman, in pen and ink or graphite, usually l.r.: with what is apparently the date and place of the production of the drawing imprinted - on the front flyleaf, on the bookplate, u.r.: "DE LA BIBLIOTHEQUE / DE / ROHAULT DE FLEURY / MANUSCRIPTS" inscribed - on most of the drawings, probably by the draughtsman, in pen and ink, in various locations: with titles inscribed - probably by the draughtsman, on most of the originals, in various locations: with titles; and throughout: with dimensions and notations on the construction of the buildings inscribed - on many of the transfer lithographs and a few of the drawings, by several unknown hands, in graphite and/or pen and ink, throughout: with dimensions and notations on the construction of the buildings inscribed - on DR1974:0002:002:046, DR1974:0002:002:047, DR1974:0002:002:049, DR1974:0002:002:050 and DR1974:0002:002:084, by the draughtsman, on the originals, throughout: with titles indicating the function of the rooms inscribed and dated - on DR1974:0002:002:055, by an unknown hand, in pen and brown ink, u.l.: "en double a été envoyé / a Madame de Lescure ce 18 juillet 52"

  • architecture
Subject Descriptive Terms:
  • arcade
Credit line:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Folder Number:

Size II - 009


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