A day in the life of the Soviet Union / photographed by 100 of the world's leading photojournalists on one day, May 15, 1987 ; project directors, Rick Smolan and David Cohen.
Title & Author:

A day in the life of the Soviet Union / photographed by 100 of the world's leading photojournalists on one day, May 15, 1987 ; project directors, Rick Smolan and David Cohen.


New York : Collins Publishers in association with I. Shapiro, 1987.


236 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 37 cm

"Photographers' biographies": pages 232-236.
Some nudity. Reader discretion advised.
Alma Ata, 6:30 a.m.: a woman sweeps the podium stairs at Brezhnev Square -- Leningrad, 7:15 a.m.: Cadets at the Nakhimov Navel Academy job along the banks of the Neva River -- Vladivostok, 7:30 a.m.: Sunrise over Golden Horn Bay -- Mariya Gerasimenko herds her geese at Poltava's Druzhba (Friendship) Horse Farm in Ukraine -- An old woman waters plants in the entrance hall of the Nakhimov Naval Academy in Leningrad -- A caretaker keeps Lenin's final resting place spotless, while a KGB honor guard stands watch -- A Soviet border guard checks the identification papers of an Eskimo hunter -- Cadets at Moscow's Suvorov Military Academy brush their teeth at 07:15, after which they will make their beds at 07:38, pass inspection at 07:45 and complete their early morning routine with breakfast at 7:50 -- Morning at the collective farm -- A family sits down to breakfast in their Khabarovsk apartment -- Omar Mamulashvili, 75, and his wife, Nazi, 69, preside over an abundant family breakfast in the Georgian village of Dzalisi, near Tbilisi -- After a hearty breakfast of boiled carp with sour cream and kumys (fermented mare's milk), photographer Jay Dickman set out to see what he could photograph in Poltava, the Ukraine -- The Komi people of the Far North have always relied on roaming reindeer herds for food and transportation -- The day begins quietly as an elektrichka from Zagorsk races into Moscow -- A babushka brigade goes to work on Tbilisi's streets -- Outside Yaroslavl Station, Moscow -- In a scene played out in hundreds of Soviet train stations every spring and autumn, Kaliningrad families see their sons off to the army -- A baker's dozen in Saratov: A nurse rolls in a fresh batch of infants from the maternity ward of Saratov's Emergency Hospital -- Buns in the oven in Astrakhan -- He's a 73-year-old veteran of The Great Patriotic War (World War II), proud of his physique and proud of his role in the defense of the Motherland -- Attending to weighty matters on an Odessa street corner -- Khava Soltakhanova brings back a bunch of spring onions from a "labor lesson" in Chechen Aul village, outside of Grozny -- During phys ed class in Novovoronezh, a young girl sizes up her prey during a game of gorelki or tag -- Under the flags of the USSR and the Soviet Republic of Byelorussia, Minsk school children start their day with calisthenics -- Preschoolers at Khabarovsk's Kindergarten #188 rehearse for a pageant under the watchful eyes of "Uncle Lenin" -- Order in the court: Chairman V.I. Terebilov and the Justices of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union sit for American portrait photographer Neal Slavin -- Still kicking: the Bermukha (Old Oak) Folk Ensemble performs a traditional Georgian rain dance on a Batumi beach -- Morning exercise in a Baku park -- An early morning gym class at Moscow's Suvorovskoe Uchilishche -- Morning drill at Nakhimov Naval Academy in Leningrad -- A Nakhimov tradition: Nina Zharova presents cadet Andrei Filunteyev with a nautical birthday pie -- At Moscow's Suvorov Military Academy, this cadet is getting by with a little help from his friend -- Road workers lay blacktop in the fertile "Black Earth" region of central Russia, near the city of Saratov -- In a Khabarovsk park a pedestrian takes an early-morning stroll past the Soviet Union's most ubiquitous symbol -- Bleary-eyed passengers arrive in Nakhodka's Tikhookeanskaya (Pacific Ocean) Station after an overnight ride on the Vostok (Eastern) train from Khabarovsk --
At the edge of the Ferghana Valley in the mountains of Kirghizia, 61-year-old Turdy Adiev and his white goshawk hunt for the small game of spring -- A smoking samovar awaits the Umetaliyev family, who will soon begin preparations for a mid-day feast -- The morning sun illuminates birch trees in the Altai foothills, less than 300 miles from the Chinese border -- Major General Ivan Fomenkov, commander of the Suvorov Military Academy in Moscow, waits for an answer in his spacious office -- Svetlana Romanyutina and Anya Grumova, both bookkeepers in Murmansk's Fishing Center, discuss a friend's wedding -- Thousands of automated bobbins loaded with cotton fiber hum at a factory in Dushanbe, capital of the central Asian republic of Tajikistan -- At the Minsk Fine-Cloth Combine, workers take their gripes right to the top -- In Turkmenistan, the southern-most republic of the USSR, Turkmen women wrapped against the 100 degree F desert sun hand-plant tomatoes -- One year after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the Soviet Union, one of the world's truly oil-rich nations, remains committed to nuclear energy -- Caviar (from the Turkish word khavyah-the Russians call it ikra) originates off the Caspian shorelines of Iran and the USSR -- Called Siberia's Blue Pearl, Lake Baikal is a mile-deep canyon 400 miles long, containing 20 percent of the world's fresh water-more than all of the Great Lakes combined -- With the help of laser technology, Dr. Svyatoslav Fyoderov's "eye assembly line" can alleviate and even eliminate myopia -- On May 15th, American photographer Mary Ellen Mark spent part of her day at the Kiev Special School for Blind Children #5 -- Grigori Chigogidze conducts a film class for Young Pioneers in Tbilisi, Georgia -- Bearing straight: An Eskimo hunter keeps a steady course off the mountainous coast of the Chukotsk Peninsula, the Soviet Union's easternmost point -- Steady aim: Anatoli Konikhin and Valeri Skhauche watch for seal and walrus in the Bering Sea -- Chewing the fat: Inside a small fabric-covered balok, or mobile cabin, Gennadi Porotov and Ignat Uksusnikov share a frozen fish and some private humor -- Two motorcyclists scuffle with the law after disrupting an outdoor concert rehearsal in Votkinsk near Ustinov -- Two heavyweights (a lieutenant colonel and a captain) with the G.A.I., or traffic police, receive a report of trouble in central Moscow -- These little piggies went to Tsentralny rynok, one of Moscow's dozen or so open markets -- The daily grind: A woman kneads sausage filling at a Yakutsk meat plant -- Relief workers distribute bread and milk to villagers from Smolino in Kurgan province -- Latif Karimov, an 82-year-old Azerbaijani master rug designer, sits in front of one of his creations: a rug in memory of V.I. Lenin --
At a traditional handicrafts factory in the Ukrainian village of Reshetilovka, women slowly weave a carpet on a massive handloom -- On the line: an air force soldier uses a payphone in Astrakhan, a city on the Caspian Sea -- In formation: A nurses' emergency brigade in Gorno Altaisk marches and sings patriotic songs before practicing procedures for large-scale civil emergencies such as epidemics, earthquakes, floods, and wars -- In Voskevaz village, Armenia -- Kindergarten children learn the mechanics of subtraction with the help of an abacus in Khiva, Uzbekistan -- A native-language school in the Siberian city of Yakutsk -- A Poltava kindergartener is temporarily banished to the hall for a minor breach of classroom etiquette -- A waiter at Yerevan's Hotel Armenia tempts customers with two bottles of Pepsi-Kola [sic] -- Never say Neva: A young man balances his child on the banks of Leningrad's main waterway -- Sure cure: Vasili Shchetinnikov traveled over 1,000 miles from Omutninsk in northern Russia to take the cure at Matsesta near Sochi -- Tots on pots: Preschoolers are communally toilet trained at the day-care center of a woodfinishing plant in the Buryat region -- Dr. Vera Pazova of Gynecological Hospital #1 in Alma Ata presents the newborn daughter of local schoolteacher Liuda Andreyeva -- At the maternity hospital in Shevchenko, Kazakhstan, children's nurse Antonina Zadorozhkaya completes the swaddling of newborn infants -- It's a carriage! It's a sleigh! It's ... Super Baby -- Baby boom: During rush hour, parking outside the kindergarten in Dickson can sometimes be a problem -- On a roll: Streaking down a Leningrad street on his-and-her skateboards -- Horsing around in Poltava: Nikolai Zazulya makes his move in mid-gallop while Anzhela Khalimova tries to slow the pace -- The bride takes the floor at a traditional Chechen wedding in a village near Grozny -- Eternal flames: A young groom takes his bride to a World War II memorial in Tallin -- At the altar in Alma Ata: Tolegen Shynybayev kisses the hand of his new bride, Tynshtyq, during their wedding ceremony at the Neke Saraiy, or Wedding Palace -- Aleksei Sorubnev leaves the Norilsk Wedding Palace with his new wife, Yelena Fedorova -- Waiting for the big moment: A Khabarovsk couple waits their turn at the local Palace of Weddings, which handles as many as 40 ceremonies a day -- Vladimir Slepak, 58, and his wife, Mariya, 60 are "refuseniks," Jews who have been denied emigration visas by the state -- "Stop Alcohol Production": Concerned citizens protest against drinking-a national pastime -- "Let there always be sky," says one placard: "Let there always be sun," says another -- Customers crowd the footwear section of Moscow's State Department Store, the Soviet Union's largest -- An elderly couple shops for seafood in Nakhodka's huge Okean Fish Store -- On Kikhnu Island, two and one half hours by boat from Estonia, these women share a motorcycle ride to market -- Though his horse doesn't seem too impressed, ace shepherd Taspalad Akhmatov of the village of Gani Bazar in Kirghizstan has won three Orders of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution for outstanding achievement in the workplace-in this case, the summer pasturelands in the foothills of the Tien Shan Mountains -- Heavily decorated show collies Antosha, Amikus and Kazha show off in Babushkin, a Moscow suburb -- In Kazakhstan, on the Aksuatsky State Farm, a young irascible camel suffers the indignation of simultaneous milking and shearing -- Grin and bear it: Trainer Lyuba Kudryatseva supervises an ursine hair-styling backstage at the Sochi Circus -- Veterinarian Sergei Yemelyanov makes his morning rounds on Poltava's Dubrovka Horse Farm -- A 24-year-old Roman Catholic priest, the youngest in the USSR, hears confession at St. Albert's Church in Riga -- In Echmiadzin, home of the Armenian Church, the faithful meet for prayer -- Metropolitan Surozhski and Metropolitan Pitirim, both high-ranking bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, ride to an ordination ceremony in Moscow -- At Moscow's Vagankovo Cemetery, mourners pay their last respects at a group funeral -- A woman lights a candle at the Nikolski Orthodox Church in Leningrad -- Lamaist Buddhist monks attend morning prayers at the Ivolga Temple near Ulan Ude in Buriatia -- Friday is the Moslem holy day -- At an uncrowded Friday evening Sabbath service at the Tbilisi Synagogue, a man follows along in his prayer book -- The cathedral at the Pyukhta Convent, one of 12 Russian Orthodox nunneries, seems to disappear into the misty Estonian morning -- Sister Nataliya of the Pyukhta Convent was formerly an art expert and Leningrad resident. She entered the convent nine years ago -- Wild ponies are herded in the freshly fallen snow on a sovkhoz (state farm) near the city of Yakutsk -- General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev leans on his desk as he and Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze await the arrival of French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac --
At the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (named for the pioneering Soviet cosmonaut), Syrian spaceman Munir Habib and his Russian comrade, Anatoli Solovyov, practice simulated re-entry for an upcoming joint mission to the orbiting Soyuz-Mir space station -- A neutral-buoyancy tank at Star City simulates weightlessness in space -- After a day on the assembly line, workers at Togliatti's Volga Automobile Works sample a taste of the workers' paradise in the plant's relaxation room -- Children at Stavropol's School #26 catch their rays from a quartz lamp -- All the glasnost that's fit to print: Pedestrians on Gorki Street, one of Moscow's busiest thoroughfares, peruse the government daily Izvestiya on a newspaper billboard -- These coin-operated sok (juice) machines near a Moscow school dispense a glassful of grape juice for 20 kopecks (about 31 cents) -- Each member of the "Fighting Friends," a club for female World War II veterans, has eight or more military decorations -- Soldiers at the Tamansky Motorized Infantry Division near Moscow show lots of square-jawed spirit during a field review -- Sub-freezing weather can't stop the residents of Karataikha, Siberia (population: 650) from demonstrating their civic pride -- A young bodybuilder nicknamed "Jail" (so-called because he prefers to work out alone) exhibits his sculpted physique in a basement gym in the working class Moscow suburb of Lyubertsy -- After lunch (and some vigorous complaints from the photographer): Adams was admitted to the prison's machine shop where inmates were making doorknobs, wrenches and other tools -- Before lunch: Photographer Eddie Adams was presented with this idyllic scene of inmates enjoying some recreational reading in Vladimir Prison's sunlit courtyard -- Workers at Obessa's Ilyichevsk Ship Repair Factory blast old paint from the hull of a freighter before applying a new finish -- Net profits: A brigade of weavers from the Kirov fishing kolkhoz unwinds at the end of the working day in the village of Ozersk on Sakhalin Island -- KRASNOYARSK! Exuberant signage enlivens a traffic circle and promotes civic pride in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, population: 800,000 -- For young workers frustrated by long waits for new apartments, there's an alternative: Build your own home -- A motley assortment of dachi, or country homes, climbs a hillside outside of Kazan in central Russia -- Uniform rows of housing line Krasnaya Presnya Avenue in Tynda -- Khabarovsk preschoolers the rooftop playground of Kindergarten #188 -- Little squirt Karim Shamsiyev drinks from the tap at the Rossiya Collective Farm outside Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan -- Customers at a Leningrad hair salon wait for their hairstyles to dry -- Women compare values at the Moda clothing store in Moscow -- A Leningrad customer receives a pedikyur -- Goalie Vitali Reva, 12, makes a spectacular save during soccer practice at his school in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine -- Tskhenburi practice near Sukhumi -- In Minsk, at the Palace of Culture and Sports, one of the Soviet Union's 2,500 swimming pools gets a good workout -- Snow falls on the Arctic town of Dickson, temperature: -22 degrees F -- On the plaza outside Lenin Stadium, a Moscow skateboard hangout, Vladimir Morozov cruises in the sunshine -- Tossing lightweight balls into the air helps elderly patients at the Institute for Gerontology keep their reflexes sharp -- The citizens of Leningrad endure eight months of cold weather a year, so given the chance, they are zealous sunworshippers -- When the spring sun finally shines, a Volgograd park bench beckons -- These Yalta sunbathers seem oblivious to the seaside remont (the ubiquitous Russian word for the nearly constant repair work that goes on in the Soviet Union) taking place behind them -- Attendance was poor at the May 15th meeting of the Murmansk Walrus Club: Members complained that 33 degree F was far too warm for serious swimming -- A sloppy spring blizzard hits downtown Norilsk in north-central Siberia -- Holding a ceremonial mask, a hunter pauses during the Bear Feast, a traditional Khanty festival in the village of Tiltim -- Parents pick up their children at a Yakutsk detsky sad (kindergarten) -- Commuters disembark at Moscow's Yaroslavl Station, terminus for trains from the Far North, Beijing and Ulan Bator
as well as nearby suburbs -- Two Buryat schoolchildren ride the tramvai home in Ulan Ude, near the Mongolian border -- Bella Abovskaya, a student at the Odessa School of Music -- At a children's sports school in Volgograd, gymnastics students eagerly swing onto the high bar -- On a balmy spring day in Siberia, retired senior engineer Aleksandr Vorobyov, 63, lifts an improvised barbell in a Novosibirsk park -- Sculptor Ivan Misko molds Olympic champion wrestler Aleksandr Medved's bearish physique in his Minsk studio -- Accordion 101: Students at the Tallin Music School practice while Tchaikovsky looks on -- Adolescent attitude knows no boundaries -- The banya, or bathhouse, is a steamy, convivial place of communal rejuvenation that has been a constant of Russian daily life since the 11th century -- Patrons lather up in the mylnaya, or washing room, of the Sandunov Baths -- Inside the steam room, a man thrashes his friend with a venik, a bundle of dry, leafy birch twigs, to stimulate circulation -- In from the heat: Patrons take a breather from the ornate Sandunov dressing room -- A man gives himself a close shave in a corner of the washing room -- Cool relief from the steam room's stifling heat -- Bus riders in Khabarovsk endure chas pik-the Soviet rush hour -- Commuting Muscovites in the subway -- A flight of fancy on the site of a half-built housing complex in the Troyeshchina district in suburban Kiev -- Ambulance dispatchers wait for the next medical emergency in Baku -- Vladimir Zalensky cares for his bedridden wife -- Army veteran Konstantin Tymchenko and his wife, Nina, pose for a double portrait-with-tulips in Volgograd -- Nadya Tsagirshvili, 78, has been very lucky -- A quiet afternoon at the Tbilisi home of Georgian film director Keti Dolidze -- At home in their balok (mobile home) in Khatanga, Nganasan hunter Stepan Porotov and his wife, Vera, are like all doting parents -- May 15th was Nonna Pokrovskaya's birthday and she asked Day in the Life photographer Nicole Bengiveno to make a portrait of her and her son at the elegant Evropeiskaya Hotel in Leningrad -- Typy Bedotkin's responsibility in Soviet affairs is this herd of 600 Gorno-Altaiskiye goats grazing in the craggy foothills of the Altai Mountains in southern Siberia -- Hunter-trapper Mikhail Degtyarev lives over 430 miles north of the Arctic Circle -- Time and tide wait for no man: Long shadows mark the end of a day at the beach at Sukhumi, a resort city on the eastern end of the Black Sea -- East is East: Eskimo children skip stones on the Bering Strait while waiting for their fathers and brothers to return home from the seal hunt -- And West is West: On a Baltic islet, Raina Laos and her schoolmates collect seagull eggs while their fathers are still at sea -- Pedestrian underpasses honeycomb all major Soviet cities, providing shelter from fierce winters, refuge from tough laws against jaywalking and protection from drivers who rarely yield the right of way -- Naval cadets unwind at the Leningrad Military District Officers Club by following the example of the two gentlemen on the wall, realist writer Maksim Gorki and political strategist Vladimir Lenin -- In a quiet corner of the Armenian Orthodox Seminary in the ancient holy city of Echmiadzin, Grikhor Analyan, a third-year seminarian and piano student from Beirut, and Tatevos Asmaryan, his teacher, fine-tune a musical passage -- A young woman makes an intercity call from a public telephone center in the town of Kazan -- Georgians bearing gifts: These two young men carry lilacs in anticipation of a warm Friday evening in Tbilisi -- The Rod-Stewart-coiffed lead guitarist of the amateur heavy-metal band, Tir (Rifle Range), takes center stage at an afternoon rock concert in Moscow's Gorki Park -- "It's more fun here now," says a Moscow rock-and-roll journalist who was once blacklisted for his articles promoting underground bands -- Double take in Gorki Park: In a strange coincidence, American photographer Paul Chesley snapped a picture of "Jail," the same young bodybuilder who had posed for another Day in the Life photographer earlier in the day in Lyubertsy (pages 136-37) -- Two Moscow punks in the apartment of their friend, an underground fashion designer -- In Fiji, a suburb of Moscow, an amateur band in heavy-metal drag rehearses in a small room provided for them by local authorities -- Upstaged by a movie poster, two Moscow youths sport fashionable rock-and-roll T-shirts: his advertises Bruce Springsteen; hers promotes the Canadian band Rush -- Berlin? London? New York? No.
Yakutsk in far Siberia -- At their neighborhood ballroom in General Secretary Gorbachev's former home of Stavropol, Irina Semyokina 12, and Alex Balayev, 13, reach for maximum line and style as they swing into practice for stage two of the all-Soviet Union ballroom-dancing competition -- Confidence man: Hands touch on the barre during dance class in Strezhevoi, central Siberia -- Backstage at the Bolshoi: On May 15th, the world's most prestigious ballet company was preparing for its 1987 tour of North America -- Kutbiden Atamkulov, 33, sings the epic tale of Manas, legendary hero of Central Asia's Kirghiz people -- Sergei Shcherbina, a department head at Gosplan, the State Economic Planning Bureau, relaxes at home in Moscow with his cat and champion Afghan hound, Vaska -- Close friends: Writer Dina Gurevich (right) chats with jazz musician Manana Menabde during a get-together at Dina's suburban Leningrad apartment -- In Tbilisi, Georgia, two-time Olympic wrestling champion and five-time world champion Levan Tediashvili, 39, hoists sons Vakhtang and Beso -- Off the road: half a ton of Moskvich parks atop a street performer in Samarkand -- Showgirls in the dressing room of a Vilnius nightclub -- Backstage at the Krasnoyarsk Theater of Opera and Ballet, Marin Kuznetsova, Olya Bylinkina and Ira Rastechayeva let down their hair after a performance -- A well-worn segment of rail gleams under the lights of an approaching freight train near Birobidzshan, capital of the Jewish Autonomous Region in the Soviet Far East -- At the Soviet-Iranian frontier, a searchlight scans the Caspian coastline, and a border guard keeps vigil with infrared night binoculars -- Photographers' assignment locations -- A Day in the Life of the Soviet Union Revisited -- Photographers' biographies.

Photographs and accompanying text depict everyday events in the Soviet Union.


0002179695 (returnable ed.)
9780002179690 (returnable ed.)
0002179725 (non-returnable ed.)
9780002179720 (non-returnable ed.)


Manners and customs.
Soviet Union Pictorial works.
Soviet Union Social life and customs 1970-1991 Pictorial works.
Unión Soviética Obras ilustradas.
Unión Soviética Vida social y costumbres 1970-1991 Obras ilustradas.
URSS Ouvrages illustrés.
URSS Mœurs et coutumes 1970-1991 Ouvrages illustrés.
Soviet Union.
Soviet Union Social life and customs.
Soviet Union Description and travel.
Soviet Union Social life and customs 1970- Pictorial works.


illustrated books.
Illustrated works.
Pictorial works.
Ouvrages illustrés.

Added entries:

Smolan, Rick.
Cohen, David, 1955-


Location: Library main 35805
Call No.: ID:88-B7048
Status: Available


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