Andreas Samuelsso: Vases
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Une série d'images de vases réalisées à l'aquarelle par l'artiste suédois Andreas Samuelsson, imprimées en risographie.
Andreas Samuelsso: Vases
(disponible sur commande)
Une série d'images de vases réalisées à l'aquarelle par l'artiste suédois Andreas Samuelsson, imprimées en risographie.
Yo you youth
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ndreas confesses not to be good at writing lyrics but loves to play with words. YoYouYouth is a typical play on words he likes. YoYouYouth summarizes a part of Andreas' life, focusing on the 90's Hip Hop scene, with the music, street and hip hop culture giving Andreas the inspiration and driving force. Andreas likes to think back to a time that was and try to recreate it.(...)
Yo you youth
(disponible sur commande)
ndreas confesses not to be good at writing lyrics but loves to play with words. YoYouYouth is a typical play on words he likes. YoYouYouth summarizes a part of Andreas' life, focusing on the 90's Hip Hop scene, with the music, street and hip hop culture giving Andreas the inspiration and driving force. Andreas likes to think back to a time that was and try to recreate it. The images in this fanzine are fragments and thoughts from his youth to today. Numbered edition of 60