The Busycle
The Busycle
The Busycle is 15 person 100% passenger pedaled vehicle. The Busycle,
a traveling public art project under development since 2005, runs
solely on the energy of its passengers. All passengers are required to
pull their weight and pedal in their seats. The pedal power then moves
the Busycle from destination to destination. The Busycle’s public life
involves experimental public rides that travel down city streets,
where story telling is of the essence. It is our goal that by
bringing art and technology clearly into the public realm and as near
to the community as possible (what could be closer than riding an art
project down the streets where people live and inviting them onto the
art?), we will stir a dialogue about the current and universal issues
from which the Busycle has grown, while creating a forum for people to
pause and enjoy. The Busycle is a community built project that has
grown from the ideas and sweat of over 50 Boston-based volunteers and
now joins other communities as it travels the US giving public rides
and collecting stories. See for complete history and