Carbon Credits Build Micro-Projects
#6. Carbon Credits Build Micro-Projects

SuperNeutral MicroSites project panels and business plan, OUA, 2007 © Andrea Brennen, Shirley Shen, John Snavely
A proposal for a group of landowners and the Office for Unsolicited Architecture (OUA) to design projects on microsites such as lawns and alleys between houses, with payment as carbon credits. OUA will design the projects to maximize the carbon-credit payment it receives, while the clients pay no cash for the structures. As a project between a collective of clients over an area of otherwise insignificant sites, SuperNeutral MicroSites suggests a model for significant neighbourhood change directed from the bottom up. Founded in 2007 by fourteen members from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Architecture and the Netherlands Architecture Institute, OUA proposes an architecture of action instead of reaction: finding its own programs, identifying relevant social issues, and taking advantage of emerging opportunities, OUA offers services to interested and disinterested clients.