City Memory Game

City Memory Game

Proposal/Official document

The game is about the many and unexpected events and personal memories that make up a city. The objective is to augment the approach of designers and the community in general to the subject of urban planning, and suggest alternate solutions based on notions of play. - a city is a collection of spatial and experiential fragments and episodes - these episodes dwell in the minds and memories of the city’s residents - what is your most memorable place/spatial condition/experience in the city? - the design community is asked to answer this question in form of a sketch, drawing, photograph, etc. - the goal is to construct a ‘catalog of memories’ or ‘city memory game’ - that represents rich sensory experiences of the city - the next step is to introduce this ‘memory game’ to the broader community as a guide, inspiration, or catalog of recipes as basis for discussion and action - the game users would filter the memories, possibly add their own and apply the ideas derived from them to improve challenging urban conditions


BURO MOCT - Christopher Wolf and Masha Safina with the Chicago design community

Location: Chicago, Il, USA 2010 - ongoing

Other Tools: Game with Cards
