Free New York City Apartments
Free New York City Apartments
“Free NYC Apartments” explores three different ways of to get an apartment for free in New York City, specifically a loft in Soho, a flat in the projects in Queens or a studio in Brooklyn by faking to be homeless, practicing prostitution or eventually becoming a successful artist, i.e. Enrolling in the Right to Shelter Program of the city of NY. Answering one of the craigslist’s adds promising a free apartment in exchange for sex. Becoming a renowned artist and living for free in an apartment pay by a landlord sure that your presence will raise the rents.To do so we designed informative posters and a campaign for its distribution . Poster I: Free apartment by becoming a fake homeless. In 1979, a homeless man named Robert Callahan, brought an action suit before the courts, against the City and State of New York, arguing for a person’s state constitutional “right to shelter”. After the trial, the city agreed to provide with refuge to all homeless men and by 1983, to all homeless women. Ever since a number of Drop-In Centres provide with night shelter facilities for its visitors while the Intake Centres are institutions where homeless people can live during a two year health-care and reintegration program, indeed, a number of the individuals that successfully finish the progra are offered an apartment in New York City, in property and for free. The fist of the Free Nyc Apartments posters displayed instructions of how to get a free apartment by faking being a homeless individual and giving specific information about the Intake Centres and abuses denounced about them. Poster 2: Free apartment by prostituting trough craigslist. In 1995, Craig Newmark launches, an interactive website where users are allowed to freely publish advertisements and that nowadays is the most successful way of finding housing in New York. Exceptionally a percentage of the ads offer free apartments in exchange of a myriad of different sexual practices. The second of the Free Nyc Apartment posters displayed instructions of how to get a free apartment in New York by becoming a prostitute in exchange of housing as published in Campaign Strategies For Poster 1: Hire of a homeless men to deliver the posters during one hour in 5th Avenue, New York. In exchange he gets the average money he makes per hour on a regular basis. Poster 2. Place free advertisement in the Village Voice. Poster 3. Campaign in the New York subway system vandalizing the frames MTA uses for official communications.