How to turn a CARpark into a carPARK

How to turn a CARpark into a carPARK

Urban vegetation
Vacant lot

In October 2008, the roof of a centrally located London multistory CARpark was transformed for one week into a carPARK, when a food producing garden, complete with womeries, rain water recycling and raised beds was installed on top of the car bays. The idea demonstrated that urban space can be recycled/redesired/reused with the minimum of change to its infrastructure. Also, that urban spaces can have multiple uses, often not prescribed by their original designers. In this case a use that actively encourages the use of current solar energy to produce local food and discourages the use of fossil solar energy to power personal transport systems - namely car.


Mikey Tomkins (theoretical research). Croydon Council (funding/enthusiasm/drama). AOC Architects (provocative ideas). Paul Richens (realisation/gardener). The project could not have happened without Vincent Lacovara, Ruth Coulson, Tom Sweeney and Paul Richens who created the garden.

Location: Croydon, Greater London Oct 2008