Urban Art Farm

Urban Art Farm

Urban vegetation
Construction site
Vacant lot

The beginning of a community based farm built on a currently vacant lot in Chicago. This farm would anticipate, and look forward to opportunities to create a space open to growing both food and creative spirit in a neighborhood space which is currently an unused space in the city. I propose to locate and secure resources in soil, seeds, and community outreach in order to achieve a thriving source of inspiration and sustenance for the people.


Sara Thompson
Heather McQueen
Quentin Shaw
Christopher Zalek
Bryan Saner

Location: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=106846761918163105577.000480f20b7c800d9db7f&ll=41.917666,-87.708311&spn=0.000599,0.001391&t=h&z=20 Beginning March 2010
