Urban Swings [activistarchitecture.com]

Urban Swings [activistarchitecture.com]

Construction site
Urban furniture

Urban Swings come from playing the publicCITY game at www.activistarchitecture.com.

Urban Swings are a celebration about public space and the people whom bring them to life. They're a provocative call proving that we are not merely spectators in our urban cityscape, but we are catalysts of new urban experience. Each and every one of us.

No logos, websites, preachy activist messages or propaganda to lure you in.
It's just you and an urban opportunity.

Try it. See what happens.

These swings are made of recycled rope and found wood, and serve as a call to action for the public, whether it's to sit your ass down and swing, or go out and make some of your own.

Brought to you by your neighborhood activist.


Activist Architecture Collective [activistarchitecture.com]

Location: San Francisco, California, USA 04/12/2009

Other Tools: Rope
