Ventilation System Builds Houses

#53. Ventilation System Builds Houses

DIY Instructions for tents that inflate from building air-vents, L’itinéraire -le magazine des grandes causes, volume XVI, numéro 2, 15 January, 2009


ParaSITE is a construction system for DIY urban shelters heated and inflated by exhaust from building ventilation and heating systems. Warm air from buildings is vented into the atmosphere year round; this resource is abundant only in the city. The temperature inside a ParaSITE is always the same as the environment in the building it is attached to, providing comfortable shelter even in winter. The shelters are designed to be constructed as needed from plastic and tape, readily available materials in the city. Michael Rakowitz frequently works with concepts of nomadism and urban appropriation. He teaches at Northwestern University in Chicago.


Michael Rakowitz,

Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; internationally; since 1998

Tools: Plastic bags, tape

