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Notre-Dame de Montréal
circa 1823 -24 November 1981
Series 1
Series documents the initial construction of Notre-Dame de Montréal as well as additions and renovations undertaken in the 19th and 20th centuries. Drawings are primarily by James O'Donnell, the original architect, however the following architects and engineers are also represented: Alfred Préfontaine, Bourgeau et Leprohon, François-Xavier Berlinguet, Napoléon Bourassa, Patrick Charles Keely, Henri Bouriché, Ozias Leduc, Eugène Saint-Jean, Pellisier & McCrudden, Paul M. Lemieux, Perrault et Mesnard, Théophile Fahrland, Bouthillette Parizeau et associés, Gascon Vigneault Dumais & Associés, and unknown architects. Material in this series was produced between 1823 and 24 November 1981.
Series includes 12 files.
Classification scheme for the objects relating to Notre-Dame de Montréal was created based on identifiable architectural projects. Files are arranged chronologically.
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