Ioanna Angelidou
Yale School of Architecture, États-Unis
« Architecture in Fragments: Conceptual History as Design Theory 1958-1989 »
Aleksandr Bierig
Harvard University Graduate School of Design, États-Unis
« The Architecture of Coal Exchange : Energy, Economy, and the Built Environment in Britain, 1666–1849 »
Stephanie Chipeur
McGill University, Faculty of Law, Canada
« Contesting Codes: Canadian Disability Rights Movements and Access to the Built Environment »
Dariel Cobb
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, États-Unis
« Building Négritude: Francophonie, Tropicalité, and Invented Tradition (A Speculative Black Modernity) »
Salvatore Dellaria
Cornell University, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, États-Unis
« When Does It Mean?: Architecture, History, and the Postmodern Condition »
Miguel Eufrasia
Universidade de Coimbra, Department of Architecture, Portugal
« Critical Sustainability: The Ecologies of Contemporary Architecture »
Michael Faciejew
Princeton University, Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities, États-Unis
« A World within the World: Architecture and Documentation, 1895-1939 »
Christina Gray
University of California, Los Angeles, Architecture and Urban Design Department, États-Unis
« Experience Environments: Showroom Architecture in Postmodern America »
Mathilde de Laage de Meux
Université de Montréal, Faculté de l’aménagement, Canada
« L’essor d’une architecture agro forestière : la caractérisation d’un front nordique au Québec au XIXe siècle »
Sang Pil Lee
University of Pennsylvania School of Design, États-Unis
« Architecture and Globalism in the First Electronic Age: Archigram, Hans Hollein, Arata Isozaki, and the Pursuit of Invisible Environments »
Rebecca Lemire
Concordia University, Department of Art History, Canada
« Indigenizing Modernism: Organic Modern Architecture in North America and Indigenous Design Practices »
Jasper Ludewig
University of Sydney, School of Architecture, Design and Planning, United Australie
« Grundriss: architecture, materiality, representation 1950-1960 »
Kieran Mahon
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, Royaume-Uni
« Experimental Environments: The Architecture of England’s Progressive Schools, 1914-1939 »
Manuel Montenegro
ETH Zürich, Département d’architecture, Suisse
« The School of Porto. Engaged criticality and agonism, between participation and authority, since ’74 »
Marcos Amado Petroli
Illinois Institute of Technology, College of Architecture, États-Unis
« The Turn to History: Arches and Vaults in the Work of Louis Kahn, Philip Johnson, Edward Durell Stone, and Wallace Harrison »
Phoebus Panigyrakis
TU Delft, Faculté d’architecture, Pays-Bas
« The Architectural Record, 1942-1967: Introducing Architects to an Era of Affluence »
Stefan Popa
Architectural Association School of Architecture, Royaume-Uni
« Earth Games, International ecological debates within the 60s and 70s Canada »
Julia Smachylo
Harvard University Graduate School of Design, États-Unis
« Historical Transformations of Nature and Urban Growth »
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