Proposals for More Utilization
Proposals for More Utilization

As in my other work, in ‘Proposals for more Utilization’ I deal with function, dysfunction and absurdity of objects, situations and contexts through provid- ing possible positions of perspective and perception.
In my current project ‘Proposals for more Utilization’ I made five sculp- tural interventions on various neglected green spaces throughout Weimar. To at- tract and amaze passerbys as they go about their daily routine, I placed artificial, but fully working, garbage cans that were carefully constructed out of cardboard on wooden poles. With these garbage cans I deal with the function of these selected spaces and aim to open up ideas of use, disuse and neglect of these unused areas.
The starting point of the work was my own fascination with un- used green spaces. In the initial research for the work I first tried to give these spaces a new function. Trying out several interventions with, for instance, signs, protection beams and other functional objects, I realized that I was only closing the spaces with orders and rules instead of opening up different perceptions of the spaces. With the garbage cans as a physical manifestation of the idea of opening up the spaces and not as sculptures purely based on aesthetics, I aimed to create a context related work that dealt with how one could think about, and engage with, these neglected spaces in Weimar.
Furthermore, in the material part of the concept, the work relates to the cycle of recycling material. The cardboard used to construct the garbage cans was found in, and taken out of, garbage cans. Rather than out of environmental reasons, ideas around using locally unused and neglected material and sites are at the basis of the choice of using cardboard. Also, by using cardboard as a material I tried to emphasize that the garbage cans are ‘models’ that are temporary propositions.