Hidden Lives, Tilburg, Netherlands (2007)
ca. 2007
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for the Hidden Lives in Tilburg, Netherlands, a design developement for a public artwork for the City of Tilburg. Lars Spuybroek won the First Prize for his project. Material in this series was produced around 2007. The series contains a presentation booklet.
This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
Material in this dossier has been arranged by document type.
Tilburg Netherlands
Spiral bound presentation booklet with renderings and 1 presentation drawing (reprographic copy on paper) of a rendering.
1 file(s)
book: 29,5 × 42 cm (11 5/8 × 16 9/16 in.) sheet: 30 × 42 cm (11 13/16 × 16 9/16 in.)
Lars Spuybroek Fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Lars Spuybroek/
Gift of Lars Spuybroek
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