Every first Sunday of each month, entry to the CCA and its exhibitions is free.
On Sunday 2 July, we invite you to discover or rediscover our exhibitions The Lives of Documents—Photography as Project, File Under: Law and Policy and Visibly Iroquoian.
For adults, free guided tours are offered in French and English and include an introduction to our ideas and approaches, as well as a walk through our exhibitions. Ask questions and be asked questions in a friendly atmosphere.
Also, join us anytime, in Park Baile, between 1pm and 2:30pm for youth and family activities, as part of our special summer programming. Meet our programmer Vanessa Owusu-Piameng for a collage and writing workshop on Blackness and Black identity in the built environment and everyday life. How does your block sustain community connections? What changes do you notice around your neighbourhood and how it impacts your community and rituals?
Kids drop-in activity time:
1pm—2:30pm: bilingual
Guided tours for adults:
3pm: in English
4pm: in French
The workshop, suitable for kids 7 years and older, will take place on the lawn in front of CCA’s entrance. In case of rain, activities will be moved inside the museum to the Shaughnessy House.
There is no need to make a reservation to participate in these free activities or visit the exhibitions, simply stop by our reception desk on your way in.
Take a look at our opening procedures.
If you have any questions, please contact 514-939-7002 or write to public@cca.qc.ca.
Vanessa Owusu-Piameng, Black Communities Programmer at CCA, is a Ghanian-Canadian master’s student at Carleton University, raised in Parc-Extension, specializing in cultural communication, popular music, black music, and social justice. She has worked as a Creative Director for the Inclusion and Diversity Committee, Department of Social Work at Carleton.
This workshop is part of CCA’s initiative started in spring 2022, to increase engagement and accessibility of architecture education to members of the BIPOC community through public programming. To learn more about these Co-Created Community Workshops for Indigenous and Black Youth, please email public@cca.qc.ca.
This workshop is made possible thanks to the support of Scotiabank.
You can search for everything here—our exhibitions, events, collection, articles, and bookstore. If you have any questions, please email us at publications@cca.qc.ca.
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